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The night after your little date and a few patrols, as well as checking up on Farid, you and Tighnari had immediately fallen asleep after hitting the bed.

Or so, you thought, until you woke up in the middle of the night, Tighnari nowhere to be seen.

You yawned and slowly climbed out of bed, still awfully tired, in hopes of looking for Tighnari.

You slowly walked out of the cabin, seeing Tighnari sitting down on the porch, one of his legs hanging off.

He quickly noticed you standing at the door, half asleep. "Huh? You're awake? Are you okay? Did you have a nightmare?" Tighnari asked, about to rush to your side until you signalled him to stop.

"I'm..I'm fine," you mumbled, walking to Tighnari and sitting down next to him, resting your head on his shoulder.

He smiled. "Cute," he remarked. You were flustered but to tired to say anything.

"Do you want me to go back to bed with you?" Tighnari asked. You shook your head. "I wanna sleep here.." You murmured quietly.

Tighnari was about to protest, but seeing how peaceful you were, he decided against it.

"While..alright. Sleep well,"

"Heh, morning sleepyhead." Tighnari greeted you the next morning. He seemed to be reading a book about fungi.

Looking at your current position, Tighnari must've put you in bed once you fell asleep.

"Humm..morning," you replied sleepily, getting out of bed and resting your head on Tighnari's shoulder from behind.

"Since when were you awake?" You asked. Tighnari looked at the time. "Around six," he replied.

"What time is it now?"

"Nine," he replied. You jumped from your position.

"Nine?! Why didn't you wake me? Didn't I have a patrol at-"

"Alright, alright. Relax. I rescheduled it to ten," Tighnari stated, cutting you off.

You sighed in relief. "Oh..why?" You asked bluntly.

Tighnari shrugged. "Maybe because you were really tired last night." He replied sarcastically.

You rolled your eyes. "Are we going alone?" You asked.

"Yeah, unfortunately today will be super busy so around 80% of our patrol routes will consist of just you and me." Tighnari replied.

You giggled. "What's so bad about that? I just get to spend more time with you~" you said, brushing your hair.

Tighnari started to get flustered. "Alright, alright, enough flattery. Go get ready, okay? I'll meet you outside."

"Oh, and Amber's leaving tomorrow." Tighnari said suddenly.

You felt a sharp realisation. "What?" You asked in disbelief.

"Huh? Would you like to spend some time with her before we leave? If you'd like, we could go a bit late." Tighnari asked.

You shook your head. "I..I'm sure I'll have time later. Besides, where's Collei? I didn't even get to see her once yesterday." You asked back.

Tighnari sighed. "A lot of her time is occupied with Amber. I can't blame her, but it's sort of getting in the way of her responsibilities..I'll let it slide for now I suppose," he vented.

"Would you like me to talk to her?" You suggested. Tighnari shook his head. "No need, let her be for now. I'll meet you outside, bye love~" Tighnari waved you off flirtatiously.

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