Fourty Nine

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"Ok let me just say this back to you and then you tell me how fucking crazy you fucking sound,"  William, the twin's uncle says. "You never even picked up a camera until a few months ago. Then have been having made-up bullshit classes by a random girl your fucking roommate randomly found. You don't even know what her fucking credentials are and you are friends with my nephews who by the way are the black sheep of the family. Why the fuck would I hire you?"

Dahlia smirks. She likes him, call her a sadist, but she does. "I can't tell you why you should hire me - I don't fucking know. But I can tell you why you will hire me," she says. William raises his eyebrows and sits back in his chair. "Ok fucking tell me, you smart bitch," he says. "Firstly, I have been sitting in your waiting room for the last hour. In that hour you interviewed seven girls - I watched all of them run out of your office in tears. You are a dick, but I am still here, aren't I? Secondly, I saw you smile at my photos, you tried to hide it but I fucking saw it. I am good and you picked up on it straight away. In fact, the only reason you would not hire me is because of your ego," Dahlia says.

"My ego?"

"Yeah, your ego. You can tell that I am a natural. I have a gift and with your training, I will be a better photographer than you one day."

William stares at Dahlia with steel eyes. He is intimidating. Then he throws his head back and lets out a loud belly laugh. "Fucking hell, the twins said you were a perfect match. Those little fuckers never disappoint. Hopefully, you will stick around longer than my last fourteen interns," William says then stands up. "You got the job. You start tomorrow, be here by 8 am," he says. He leans over the table with his arm stretched out towards her. Dahlia stands up and takes his hand, shaking it. "I am surprised you did not apply to be a model. You are very beautiful, Dahlia," he says. Dahlia takes back her hand and raises an eyebrow at him. "Isn't that an HR violation?" she asks. "It is...hence the reason I have had fourteen interns in the last eight months.

Dahlia screws her face up at him in disgust. "Oh relax I did not fuck any of them I am just outspoken. I warned them. I don't shit where I eat...although I heard you do," William says with a sly smile. "What the fuck are you on about?" Dahlia asks. "The twins told me you are fucking your best friend. Want some advice from uncle Willie," William says. "Don't call yourself uncle Willie, you sound creepy and sleazy. And no, I don't want any advice from you," Dahlia says. "I will give it to you anyway," William says walking Dahlia to the door. "I fucked my best friend once, I fucking hate him now. Biggest regret of my fucking," he says opening the door and ushering Dahlia. It's Dahlia's fear - fuck William for slapping her in the face with it?

"Which one is he? The one looking at the curly blond girl with heart eyes or the one that looks like he fell in a bowl of fucking ink?" William whispers as they look toward the group. "Ink bowl," Dahlia says. "I can understand your dilemma. I would fuck him too," William says. "You must be an HR nightmare," Dahlia says. "I am," William responds without a hint of guilt. "Hey! Tell your mother to stop texting me! I have not been home for twenty years and I won't step foot in that place for another twenty fucking years," William suddenly shouts out in the direction of the twins. Orlando grins and flips him off while Paris stands and shouts back, "fuck you old man. Tell her your fucking self."

William laughs and then turns back to Dahlia, "not going to lie - it's fucking weird that you brought your whole family here for your interview. Make sure they don't feel comfortable enough to pop in for lunch while you work here...except for ink bowl...we could have some fun," he says wriggling his eyebrows suggestively. "I am withdrawing my application. I don't want to work for you," Dahlia says. William laughs again. "Don't be late. It pisses me the fuck off," he says then shuts his office door. Dahlia turns to face the fucking hoard of people waiting for her. William was right, it is weird that she has so many people waiting for her out here.

There is Austin, Gina, Harry, Orlando, Paris, Nessy, San, and the friend whose name she still does not have. It's fucking weird to have so many people - right? What is even weirder is that they are looking at her with bated breath to hear if she got the job or not. "I got it," she says. Everyone cheers like she has won the lotto and Austin stands, scooping her up and swinging her around while she lets her head fall back while she laughs. It feels good. Not only that she actually got the job but there was a bunch of stupid fuckers waiting outside to celebrate her. Gina takes the opportunity to form a group hug - trapping Dahlia in the middle and even though Dahlia says she hates it...she doesn't really.  

"Let's celebrate! To Sweet and Sour!" Harry shouts out. "To Sweet and Sour!" everyone cheers back. "You can kill two birds with one stone. Celebrate and quit," Orlando says as they all walk out. Once at Sweet and Sour Dahlia quits and orders a round of drinks at the same time. Her old boss offers San the job because of her sour face. San agrees and takes it - simple transition. Given, it's not even mid-day yet but Harry convinces them all that day drinking is respectable any time after 9 am. So they all cheer again and order another round with a line of shots, and fries - because they are responsible. Austin kicks Dahlia's foot under the table and when she looks at him he flicks his head to the back of the pub. "Excuse me for a second. I need to go to the bathroom," he says to Orlando. Dahlia watches him stand and then walk out the back door to the alley. That's not the bathroom.

Paris elbows her and flicks his head in indication for Dahlia to follow Austin. "It's fucking weird that you two are so invested in a relationship that's not even yours," she whispers. Orlando grins, "relationship?" he says. "Fuck you both," she says and stands then slips away from the busy table and out the back door into the alley.

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