Twenty Five

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It's late afternoon by the time they all make it back onto the yacht. Charles had joined them for lunch on the beach, but besides seeing Austin walking back to the yacht that morning he has not been around anyone. Dahlia knows she can not stomach another dinner with everyone so she excuses herself from attending and heads straight to her cabin. She plans to shower and then climb into bed and watch a shitty movie before falling asleep, maybe have a little cry and reflect on her fucked up life - that's a lie, she won't be doing any fucking reflecting. She would hope Austin shows up but she thinks they might be done. She was nothing special to him, not like Gina is. She has angered him, and now she has lost him. It's really that simple.

When she unlocks the cabin she can see that Austin has rummaged in his bag and moved his guitar but that's about it. She suspects he made a point of being in the cabin when she was out. Well, hopefully, he has all he needs for tonight because if he does need to come back to the cabin she will not be hiding herself. He is being childish and she is happy he is ignoring her. She is so fucking happy. She wipes a tear from her cheek. She does not know how it got there - must be the sea breeze. But, she does miss him, just a little, and so she sticks her hand into his bag and pulls out one of his oversized shirts. He won't miss it for one night. She can slip it back into his bag in the morning before he notices anything.

She showers, washing away all the sand and salt from the day and pulling her hair up into a tight bun. She insects her body in the mirror and grimaces at the sunburn she is sporting. It is not too bad but she will definitely feel it in the morning. She slips on Austin's shirt, rolling her eyes at how big it is on her. The hem reaches mid-calf. She has to force herself not to sniff it like an insane woman. She stands in front of the mirror looking at herself - she feels lonely which makes no sense because she has been alone most of her life - by choice and fate. A loner some might say. But not having Austin around makes her feel lonely, it's a hollow empty feeling and she does not like it. It makes her feel venerable and a little bit of a fraud. She climbs into bed and eats what's left of Austin's bag of peanut m&m's while watching a movie. She manages to only watch half the movie before her eyes start to feel like heavy sandpaper and so she turns off the TV and the cabin lights then falls asleep in the dark. Alone.

"Dahlia...sweetheart," she hears Austin whisper in her ear. She blinks her eyes open and looks up. Austin is smiling down at her - not a hint of anger on his face. Dahlia's heart skips a beat.

"You are wearing my shirt."

"No, this is my shirt."

"You can have it. I will give it to you."

"You not angry anymore?"

"No, baby," Austin whispers and dips his head catching her lips with his and kissing her till her head spins. Austin pulls back and smiles at her softly then looks up at the ceiling with a grin. Dahlia follows Austin's line of vision, and then her mouth drops open when she sees the ceiling covered with warm yellow fairy lights. Austin moves to sit next to her on the bed, "look around," he says softly. Dahlia takes a moment to take in the lights and then looks around the room. There are candles and roses everywhere. The soft golden glow of the candles making the roses cast shadows around the room and Dahlia feels like she is in a cave. A million miles away from the world in a place that belongs just to her and Austin.

"What is all this?" she manages to squeak out, grabbing Austin's hand while still looking around the cabin. Austin cups her cheek and turns her face to look at him. "It matters, Dahlia...because you matter," he says softly. Is he for real? How is he real? "I don't want to change the past, I won't take that moment away and I don't regret sleeping with you. But you deserve to be treated well, Dahlia. To have good memories...with me. Ok?" Austin asks. "O-ok," Dahlia manages to say, no one has ever put so much effort into her. For no reason at all other just for her - because he says she matters. "All this must have been in those shopping bags I saw you carrying this morning," she says. Austin smiles, "you were keeping tabs on me," he says. Dahlia starts to try and defend herself but Austin pushes her onto her back and then straddles her knees. She forgets what she was saying because she realizes he is naked and the golden lights make his skin looks soft and smooth. He is watching her carefully as he slides his hands up her thighs and then under her new shirt. He raises his eyebrows and his mouth forms an 'O' shape when it dawns on him that there is nothing under her shirt. "Oh, hello there," he says. Dahlia smirks as Austin leans over her and kisses her again.

She is trying to control herself, wanting this moment to last as long as it can but she can barely stand the fact that Austin is so hard above her. She can feel him. She arches her back and rolls her hips grinding up into him. He cuts the kiss short and lets out a strained, chocked off moan then grabs the hem of her shirt and starts pushing it up. He sits back up and slides her shirt off, her skin breaks out in goosebumps and anticipation when the cool air touches it. Austin stills, he can't seem to stop staring at her. Then he trails his finger down from her throat, between her breasts, and down towards her belly button. Dahlia starts panting and she can already see a thin layer of sweat covering his chest, his lovely broad chest. Fuck. Austin grips her hips again and lifts himself off her then hooks his feet between her legs and spreads them open - wide. Dahlia lets out a strangled whine then wraps her legs around his hips and keeps him close to her already shaking body.

"What do you need, baby?"

"I need whatever you give me."

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