Twenty Nine

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Dahlia wakes up to whispered chatter. She keeps her eyes closed hoping whoever it is will fuck off. But then she remembers she is in Austin's bed, she knows she is alone because she can't feel him at all. But still - what about Gina? She opens her eyes and comes face to face with a very smiley Paris. Dahlia jerks up and back peddles then takes in the rest of the room. Orlando is there too and Gina who is holding a gold plastic crown in her hand. Austin is sitting on her and Gina's bed looking rather amused.

"Ok! Sing!" Gina shouts and everyone starts singing happy birthday to Dahlia. Oh Holy fuck, it's her birthday. Dahlia glares at everyone as they sing and when they come to the end of the song Gina steps forward and places the crown on her head. This is a fucking nightmare. "Happy birthday to the best friend a girl can have," Gina says. "Ok! Gifts!" Orlando shouts and both Gina and Paris jump up and down in excitement. The three of them fall onto Austin's bed with Dahlia while Austin stays seated on Dahlia and Gina's bed. Still amused.

"Open my gift first," Gina says handing Dahlia a huge parcel. Dahlia takes it and looks wearily at Gina. "Go on open it," she says. Dahlia rips open the package and find a pile of clothing in it. Black and grey clothing. "Bet this was tough on you to buy," Dahlia says smiling at Gina. "You have no idea! There were so many pretty pinks and purples, and even glitter clothing but I just kept my head down. Got you clothing I know you like...ripped jeans and all," she says. Dahlia pulls out a bright pink furry glitter photo frame with a picture of her and Gina in it. "Except for that," Gina says with a giggle. "Thank you, Gina...want a hug?" Dahlia asks. Gina squeals and pulls Dahlia into a back-breaking hug.

"Ok, our turn," the twins sing out together. Dahlia breaks the hug and takes a gold envelope from Paris. She opens it and reads through it then looks at the twins with a frown. "What is it?" Gina asks. "It's a two-night stay at the best five-star hotel in New York. We know you like your alone time so we bought you a 'get out of here ticket' for any weekend of your choice," Orlando explains. "But this says for two people," Gina says frowning as she reads. "Oh, it must be a typo. This is just for Dahlia," Paris says with a wink. "Thank you. This is really nice of you both," Dahlia says. The twins nod and then stare at Dahlia. She lets out a sigh and opens her arms. The twins squeal and jump into her arms, nearly knocking her over. "Gina was right. You really do give the best hugs," Orlando says. "Ok that's enough," Dahlia says pushing them off her.

"Here," Austin says suddenly and places a box down in front of her. It's been wrapped, but really badly. Austin must have done it himself. Dahlia rips the paper off then slaps her hand over her mouth in shock. It takes her a moment then she looks up at Austin in disbelief. "I have a friend who is a photographer. She said that was the best camera to start off with. She has also agreed to meet with you and teach you," he says. "But...but these are very expensive. How did you manage to afford it?" Dahlia asks, still in shock. Austin shrugs, "I have my ways," he says with a smile. Two guitars. Dahlia remembers only seeing two guitars in the corner of the room last night. She snaps her eyes to the corner and sure enough, there are only two guitars and one empty stand. Did he sell his guitar for her? Who does that?

She stands up and Austin copies her. He is looking at her with an unsure face now. She walks over to him and slides her arms around his torso then buries her face in his chest. "Thank you," she says. "You are welcome, B...Dahlia," he says wrapping his arms around her. Then suddenly Gina erupts in a fit of giggles and clapping. "Yay! We pulled it off, everyone. I was so worried you were going to find out what we were planning, Dahlia. I thought you were going to murder me in my sleep. You came close a few times. Especially yesterday when you asked where Austin and I were going. I had to think on the spot and said we were going on a date! Can you imagine? Austin and I on a date!" she says and starts laughing again - the twins join nervously in.

What? So they had not gone on a date? Austin had not had a sweet little private moment with Gina and asked her out on a date. They had not gone to a fancy romantic restaurant last night. She gets to keep him for just a little while longer. She went through all that depressing shit last night for nothing. Does she get to keep Austin? She suddenly feels overwhelmed by how close she came to losing him, about how gutted she is going to feel on the day she does lose him. She does not mean to and she tries with every bone in her body to stop herself, but she is just so relieved...she starts to cry. She clings to Austin and buries her face deeper into his chest and she cries.

It's not a hard cry, she does not wail dramatically. But she definitely cries. She sniffles into Austin's chest and her shoulders shake a little. Austin tightens his arms around her when he realizes. Gina suddenly gasps as do the twins when they realize too. "Not a word...any of you," Austin says his words a stark warning. "Go down to the restaurant and we will meet you there in a few minutes," Austin instructs. Dahlia can hear them all collect their things and hurry out of the apartment without a word. Then there is silence except for the occasional sniffle from Dahlia.

"I don't know what goes on in that head of yours sometimes, baby. You keep a lot from me. But you matter to a lot of people here...even though you battle to see that," he says into the top of her head. And for the first time in a very long time, Dahlia believes it. Gina, Austin, and even the twins feel like family. A weird fucked up family - but a family nonetheless and she has a place with them. Dahlia nods a little and then Austin pulls away and bends down so he can look her in the eye. "Enough of this soppy bullshit. Those sentimental little shits now waiting for you at the restaurant have planned a long fucked up day of birthday celebrations. Save your tears for the frustrations of the long day ahead. Trust me you will need them," he says.

Dahlia lets out a watery laugh as Austin wipes her tears and pulls her back into him. "Happy birthday, sweetheart," he whispers and then kisses her. If it were up to Dahlia she would lock the apartment door and hide in bed all day with Austin. But she can't so she bats him away, takes a quick shower, and dresses for the day.

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