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Austin had a band when they were at school. It was shit. They never practiced and mixed songs from ABBA and Bruce Springsteen. They said it was their selling point. The band's name was ABspringAB for fucks sake - that should have been the first sign of how bad they were. But  they thought they were cool and all the girls at school gushed over them - the reality was they were absolute crap. So when Austin and his band now, Desideratum Hart, walk out onto the stage Dahlia is expecting shitty karaoke garbage.

What Dahlia was not expecting was for Austin to sound amazing and for his band to sound like they practically invented the fucking instruments they were playing. On top of it all Austin was singing original songs, no covers. His original songs were good, really good. "Did you know he writes all his own songs?" bar girl whispers in Dahlia's ear. Really? Geez, who the fuck did Austin turn into? To be fair he could have always been like this. Dahlia just never got the chance to get to know him that way.

She feels someone tap her on her shoulder and when she turns she sees it's the bartender. He gives her a beer and another cocktail which she hands to Gina who is leaning over the edge of the stage with heart eye as she looks at Spaghetti arms. She looks up and catches Austin watching her. Of course he is, she is standing right next to Gina. Dahlia frowns at him and rolls her eyes then steps back a bit. Austin's eyes follow her and he continues to watch her. But now because everyone is watching him and he is watching her she feels like everyone is watching her. The bar is hot and fucking crowded and she needs some cold air so she pushes back through the crowd and steps out of the bar.

The New York night air is cold and it feels good on her overheated skin. She walks across the street to a food van and buys a container of fries and a box of cigarettes then wanders into the side alley connected to the bar. She can hear as Austins band come to the end of their set and the music changes over to normal bar music as she munches on her fries. She lights a cigarette and watches as clumps of people walk past the alley from the bar on their way home.

The side door opens from the bar into the alleyway and Dahlia watches as Austin and another man step outside. They both look pretty proud of themselves, laughing and chatting happily as they lean against the wall and light up a smoke each. Dahlia feels a bit creepy watching them from behind the dumpster so she steps out into view and walks slowly toward them. The guy with Austin sees her first and elbows Austin in the side. Austin looks at him with a frown then turns his head and sees Dahlia. Both men push off the wall and while the other guy kills his smoke and goes back inside, Austin walks over to Dahlia.

"I was expecting a mashup of ABBA and Bruce," Dahlia says, smirking at Austin. Austin huff's out a laugh and shakes his head. "Holy fuck. I used to think my friends and I were so cool. We were reinventing the age of music," Austin says taking the last drag of his cigarette then killing it and blowing the smoke through his nose. "I got a nasty wake-up call. All through high school my boys and I had a pact to take our band places. But as soon as we graduated and life got real I was the only one wanting to stick it out. I came to New York on my own," he says.

Dahlia smiles, genuinely smiles, at Austin. "Well, you did good, Austin. Your music is amazing...I would go as far as saying I was even a fan...maybe," Dahlia says. Austin smirks, "what? Like a groupie?" Austin asks. Dahlia looks around then grins up at him as he steps closer. "Well if I was a groupie I would get you to fuck me up against that wall over there behind the dumpster," Dahlia says. Austin raises his eyebrows and takes another step closer. "Oh really? And...just hypothetically - how would you do that?" Austin asks.

"Well I would grab the front of your shirt like this," Dahlia grabs the front of his shirt in her fist, "then I would pull you with me towards the wall," Dahlia pulls Austin toward her as she walks backward. She is walking at a speed and wraps her arms around his neck as her back slams into the wall. Austin leans into her. She brings her lips to his ear and whispers, "then I would tell you I have no panties on." Austin jerks his head back to look at her with wide eyes. Dahlia smirks at him.


"Shut up, Dahlia," Austin says as he pulls Dahlia's skirt up then hitches her legs up around his waist. He unzips his pants letting them fall as he impales Dahlia onto his length. Dahlia clings onto his shoulders as he thrusts into her, punching the air out of her lungs with every thrust. "Fuck, Austin," she moans out and lets her head drop back exposing her throat. Austin latches on to her neck and starts sucking. Dahlia bats him off, "Don't do that. I don't want any marks that Gina will question me about."

Austin glares at her for a second and starts thrusting harder into her. "I will mark you and you will let me," he demands. Dahlia feels like putty in his hands so she can't help it. She drops her neck to the side exposing her throat again. "Go ahead then," she breathes out. Austin latches onto her throat without hesitation, biting down so hard that she lets out a whimper. But then she is climaxing. She does not know how so suddenly but somewhere between Austin's thrusting and his biting her body explodes. She arches her back and clutches his shoulders. "Beautiful, baby," Austin breathes out and she feels him as his own climax hits.

Dahlia lets her head fall heavily onto his shoulder as she tries to calm her breathing. Austin keeps her pushed up against the wall as he calms his own breathing. Eventually, he speaks. "Baby-" he starts but then the side door opens and a few laughing people come out and walk down the alley to the street. "Put me down please," Dahlia whispers. Austin does as she asks and Dahlia fixes her skirt as Austin fixes his pants. She takes a step but Austin's hand shoots out to stop her.

"Dahlia -"

"Relax. I won't tell her," Dahlia says. Austin frowns but drops his hand from her arm and nods his head. "We better get back inside before Gina comes looking for us," Dahlia says. "You go ahead. I am just going to have a smoke first," Austin replies. Dahlia shrugs and goes back inside.

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