" What confession? I'm not confessing anything..? Olivia reply looking embarrassed. She was only try to shock Travis and now he is taking it the other way round.

" So what do you mean by you don't mind dying with a beauty god like me?" Travis ask hit the table with his finger to get Olivia attention since she is too embarrass to raise her head up.

Olivia raise her head up and couldn't help but admire his cute face. He is so cute with a well carved jaw and a strong cheek bone. His long lashes cast a shadow on his face. Guess his  lashes has the same length as Troy's. The more she look at him, the more she get attracted to him and the more she see Troy in him.

" Hey snap out of it. what are you looking at?" Travis ask and snap his fingers at Olivia face.

" I wasn't looking at anything, I think there is a coal on your cheeks" Olivia said and pick her cutleries. 

" Stop it girl you can't trick me. I never knew you are a beauty lover" Travis said with a chuckle and Olivia felt embarrass. Travis saw behind her facades. 

" I'm not a beauty lover and who said you are a beauty?" Olivia scoff as she shove a piece of meat in her mouth.

" You said that with your pouty red mouth a while ago" Travis said and Olivia became more more embarrassed. She somehow sees this as a flirt so she just blush and remain quiet.

" Wait Travis, my mouth is not pouty" Olivia said when she remember pouty in Travis sentence a while ago.

" Then I think it's flat" Travis reply with a chuckle and Olivia touch her mouth with her hand to confirm if it's actually pouty or flat..

Travis chuckle when he saw her touching her mouth. She really looks cute when she does that.

They start eating and continue throwing words at each other.

At the Gerald's cooperation–

Troy sat on his chair with his palm placed on his forehead. Work looks so boring for him after attending some meetings and signing some files. He thought he could get rid of his boredom by torturing Ethan but then he remember Ethan hasn't recover from his running stomach which he got from the coffee with citrus and Cheryl taste he drank the other day.

He decided to take a tour round the company to get rid of his boredom. 

To be honest, he missed Olivia so much. Guess he is even thinking of bringing her to the company along with him next time so that he won't get bored.

He took the elevator and arrive at the tenth floor. He got out of the elevator and shove his hands in his pocket.

" Oh it's the president! I never thought I'm going to see him in this lifetime and not even today" whispers filled every corner as some of the employees thought they were never going to see the GC president physically until they retires or probably get fired.

The Gerald's cooperation is a big design company that has thousands of employees and more than hundred departments. Each department has a head so he don't need to supervise the departments. He comes to work, take the private elevator to his office, go through files, attend meetings, sends order and take the private elevator back. So many of the employees don't get to see him at all. All they know is the boss is around and his Lamborghini is parked in its special garage. All he has to do is to just go through the files of each departments and give out orders but today out of boredom he is actually going to take a tour round the company. 

" He looks more charming physically than in photos" another employee whisper to her colleague and they both squealed. 

" Wow here comes prince charming, the president is here. I can't miss this chance" Selena exclaim and squeal while Jessie scoff. Both of them are colleagues but not good friends because the only bone of contentment between them is Troy the boss. Who will have the boss, who will be the boss mistress?. Both of them likes the boss and one doesn't like it when the other one fantasize herself with the boss. Both of them wants to have the boss . Most of the female employees of GC are only here to look at the boss face every morning but unfortunately they were disappointed as the boss don't look like someone who actually exists to them as they don't even see his shadow.

" You don't stand a chance Selena , so stop dreaming " Jessie said and took a photo of Troy and a smile appear on her face. She don't mind looking at the photo all day and all night. Maybe she can have him in her dreams if she can't have him in reality, she can have him in her dreams by looking at his photo all night before going to sleep and even have kids for him.

" Hey girl, I'm not stopping you to give it a try but one thing I know is, the boss is mine" Selena said as she open her hand bag and took a body spray out.

" He is mine and don't forget I have potential than you do. Just a little conversation with him and he is mine and the next you will hear is Jessie is the boss new girlfriend and she is about to have a cute set of triplets for him" Jessie said as she close her eyes and imagine every word she said in seconds.

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