chapter 64

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Chapter 64
" Who knows if this is a poison" Troy added as he drop the coffee on his desk and wait for Ethan's reaction. Ethan has this horrific, terrible and frustrated look on his face, the best result Troy was expecting but it would have been the best if it was Olivia wearing that expression right now. 

Troy mind wonder far back to the days he torture Olivia and she will frown like a little kitty. He really can't wait for her to wake up so that his fun can continue.

" It's not a poison, it's a " Ethan tried to pull himself out of the mess he has fallen into and if anyone hear what their boss said few minutes ago, his reputation will be ruined and no one will believe what he have to say even if the sun bears him witness.

" Then drink it" Troy cuts him short and Ethan chew the remaining words in his mouth.

Honestly he was afraid of even taking a sip of the coffee combination. He didn't plan for this to happen and now he is about to take what he haven't even tasted before. Well like they say, you have to give something a fist try and that is what Ethan is going to do right now.

He lift the cup up and took a sip from it.

' not bad' he said silently as he took another sip from it.

He tried to drop the remaining one but was caught Midway by Troy's cold glare. He was really confused, didn't he say he should have a taste of it first before he will taste it? But unknown to Ethan, Troy have other intentions.

" Drink it up, finish it, you can as well eat the cup too. You don't expect me to drink your leftovers" Troy said and the cup of coffee almost slip from Ethan's hand. Well it would have been better if it slipped but it didn't slip which made Ethan more frustrated. The way the devil thinks is different from the way others thinks. With that Ethan gulp down the remaining combo in the cup and wipe his mouth..

" Good" Troy nodded and Ethan sigh. The taste of the combo isn't bad tho but Ethan intestines are already reacting to it.

" Do I have to remind you that the conference starts in two minutes?" Troy ask as he took his phone from the desk and got up. Ethan immediately scurried out of the office and took the elevator down to the tenth floor where the conference will take place. Troy took his private elevator and arrive three seconds after Ethan got there. The conference took about four hours and everyone was so exhausted. Troy just walk out of the conference Hall to his car and drove off.

At Manila central hospital


Travis lay down on the couch with his  right hand covering his face. He was hoping Olivia would wake up before noon but she didn't. His phone beeps and he sluggishly checked the caller ID and it was his ex girlfriend Mia. She still hasn't gotten over him yet and besides who will want to break up with a rich beauty god like him.

He ignore the call and the phone starts beeping again. He stood up from the couch and swipe the phone screen and soft voice sound through the speaker.

" Hi boo, how are you doing?" Mia said from the other end of the call and Travis smirk. He wonders what Mia doesn't understand in the sentence which says it's over between us .

" I'm not your boo, just call me Travis" Travis said coldly and Mia chuckle on the other end which made Travis frown his face and wonder what made her chuckled.

" You know I don't know how to pronounce your name. It's a bit difficult for me to pronounce and boo is the best and easiest name I can pronounce. So boo how have you been" Mia said with a cheerful voice and she really likes it when she tease Travis. How can someone say she can't pronounce a simple name called Travis? 

" Listen Mia, I already end things between us so what's with this whole flirting of a thing?" Travis ask and he was really pissed off with Mia's attitude.

" You and things but I didn't end them so you are still my boo and I'm still your baby" Mia said menacingly and Travis couldn't help but scoff.

This Mia of a girl is really something.

" Don't you miss me? Have you forgotten the moment we shared together? Do you really want to throw all of that away just because of a little mistake I made? You said you loved me but you end things with me" Mia said aggressively along with a soft voice and Travis just remain quite and allow her to say what she wants to say after all he is calm and patient man.

" That was then and I have already end things but us" Travis reply after she finished speaking and Mia felt like punching his cute face through the phone.

" It's not over between us not when we just started boo " Mia said stressing the word boo romantically and hung up.

Travis threw the phone on the couch and walk around the ICU with an unknown expression on his face. Mia was his ex girlfriend which he ends things with in the states before coming to manila but now it seems like Mia is not ready to let go.

He remain in the ICU for a while and became bored. He walk to Olivia bedside but the girl is not willing to wake up anytime soon as she was sleeping so peacefully on the bed with her patient gown. He push a strand of hair behind her ear and kiss her on her nose. He wanted to kiss her on her lips but he don't want to take advantage of her unconsciousness so he kissed her on her nose and exhale. Mere looking at her face wants to make him do things he don't want to do. He put his hands in his pocket and walk out of the ICU to cool off and get fresh air.

The people on the hallway stare at him and he walked pass them as if they are statues without glancing at them. He is use to such stares and he don't give a fu*ck about that. He just want to cool off and that is all.

On his way to the out patient department, he saw a little boy with a new flute in his hand. Guess his parents might have gotten it for him so that he can come to the hospital for check up as a lot of kids don't really like being taken to hospitals.

He stop on his way and turned to wear the little boy is standing with the flute in his hand. He squat before him and smile charmingly at him and the little boy cheeks turned red. Travis blue eyes captivate him and he can't stop looking into them but unknown to this little kid Travis have an intention behind his smile.

" Hey how are you" Travis ask as he ruffle the kid blonde hair with his hand along with a charming smile.

" I'm great and you look so beautiful. Are you a human or a god because you don't look like a human. I have heard that most of the gods are beauties and I think you are one. So which god are you? Beauty god or god of charms?" The little boy ask revealing his white canals as he talk non stop. Travis finds him amusing and ruffle his hair again.

" Well anyone you believe. Umm your flute is very cute like you" Travis said as he draw the kid attention to his flute.

" Yeah my mama bought it for me so that I can follow her to the hospital to take some IVs" The kid said as he tightened his grip around the flute. The flute is the reason why he is in the hospital right now so he wouldn't trade it for anything. At least after taking his IVs he can go home and play it for his childhood crush who loves kids that has flute.

" Wow that is cool ! Do you mind borrowing me your flute for a while? My wife has been unconscious for some days now and the doctor said only a flute can make her conscious" Travis said remorsefully just to gain the kid sympathy.

" Then you should buy a flute and play for her" The kid said and Pat Travis on his head. Yeah the kid is right Travis should get his own flute.

" But I want yours" Travis insisted with puppy eyes and the kid couldn't help but chuckle loudly.

" I'm sorry I can't borrow you my flute. I don't even know you and the hospital is very big and I can't find you. My mom will be here any moment soon and we will go home and after I get home, I will go to my crush's place and play the flute for her. I don't want to her to break my heart and leave me for guys with flute again" The kid said with all seriousness and Travis was dumbstruck he don't even know what to say or how to react. He just pat the kid hair and walk to the out patient department with an unknown expression.

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