Chapter Eight

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There was a short knock at Lisette's door well past her bedtime. She threw on a shawl, and opened it to find the last person she thought she would ever see again; Christian.

"May I speak with you?"

Lisette poked her head out to be sure the hall was empty before letting him in. "What on earth do we have to speak about? You said your piece; it is finished."

Christian cleared his throat. "You may not have heard this, but I am to wed."

She didn't hide the shock. "So soon? We have only just ended things."

"I am in want of a wife." He explained. "So, I have seen fit to procure a betrothal."

"I understand." Though it was difficult, Lisette held back her tears. "You have told me your news. You may leave now."

"That is not all I have come here to say." Christian looked down before looking into her eyes. "I came to ask you to be my mistress."

"I am a Princess! What gives you the right to ask such a thing?!"

"Yes, a princess who has probably found her way into many a man's bed."

The resounding slap on his cheek filled the room. "How dare you! I laid with you out of love! Only a man of subpar nature would hurl such accusations."

"Am I to be blamed?" Christian asked indignant. "For a woman to be so lose with her purity could only make a man assume such things."

Lisette marched to the door and opened it wide. "Leave before I call my guards."

"And be ruined like your sister was?"

"It would be far better than continuing this absurd conversation."

He sighed and walked to the door. "Shall I take your behaviour as a, no?"

She rolled her eyes, a habit she had picked up from her mother. "Of course, it is. Now, leave this instant."

With a bow to the young princess, Christian left the room as Lisette slammed the door behind him.


April 1570

At breakfast one day, Eddie came in smiling brightly. Before sitting down, he beelined for his eldest brother. "I need your permission."

"What on earth for?" Frank smiled back. "What has you so cheerful this morning?"

"I have found my wife to be!" Eddie declared to his family.

Sybille clapped, and got up. She went over to her youngest son, and hugged him. "That is wonderful news, Eddie."

Frank smirked. He had already assumed this was his brother's intention. "Very well. You have my permission to marry anyone you love, on one condition."

"Which is?" Eddie asked.

"That the girl's father must give his blessing. I do not want our family to be known as terrible people who care little for convention."

"Very well." Eddie agreed. "I shall go request it now."

As Eddie ran from the hall his father called after him. "At least eat something first!" But Eddie was long gone, lead off by his heart.


May 1570

Sybille stood with her youngest son as they and Duke waited for the wedding to begin. "I am so proud of you today, My Son." Tears pricked at her eyes, and she pulled out her handkerchief. "To have found the one who loves you unconditionally is...well it is magical."

The Travellers Chronicles Book Three: To Be A QueenWhere stories live. Discover now