Chapter Two

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"You are insane!" Orleans yelled to his brother as he entered Duke's offices. He walked over to the desk, and slammed both hands down on it in anger. "You want to destroy this kingdom!"

Duke signalled to the guard to close the door. "Calm yourself, Brother. This is necessary to better the Kingdom of France."

"No, it is not. This is that Witch's doing." Orleans said to Duke. "She has brainwashed you for years!"

"Do not speak ill of my wife and the Queen of France!" Duke yelled. "You will respect her, or you will be punished."


September 1547

After much though the council convened. "We cannot go to war without the Lords." Lévis explained to Duke and Sybille. "We do not have the forces or the funds."

"That is why we create an alliance with Charles the Fifth, Holy Roman Emperor. They want Navarre as much as we need it. That will be enough to convince them." Sybille told the council.

"But are they not too infatuated with the New World?"

"We will give them ample reason to agree."

With that the council deliberated. Finally, they came to a conclusion. "We will allow it. Invite the Emperor here and we will form a treaty."


To Charles the Fifth, Holy Roman Emperor,

I, as King of France, invite you to the Chateau Fontainebleau to discuss a possible alliance. Please return your answer swiftly.

Francois the Second, King of France

A few weeks later an envoy arrived with an answer.

To Francois the Second, King of France

I have long wanted peace with France. I will arrive in a fortnight.

Charles the Fifth, Holy Roman Emperor


Up rolled the carriages of Charles the Fifth's retune. The entire French court awaited him with Sybille and Duke at the lead and Niko sitting at their side. When the carriages came to a stop, the got out and walked over to the King and Queen.

"Welcome, Your Imperial Majesty." Duke greeted. "It is an honour to have you at court."

"It is an honour to be here, Your Majesties." The answered. "You have a lovely Queen."

"Thank you; I do."

"We have been eagerly awaiting your arrival, Your Imperial Majesty." Sybille added.


Duke stood to open the feast. "Welcome one and all. We gather today to welcome Charles the Fifth, Holy Roman Emperor to France. May we build a strong relationship together!"

The court toasted as Orleans got up and walked towards the . "May I speak with you, Your Imperial Majesty?"

"Of course, Orleans."

"Come with me, please." Orleans led him to a corner of the ballroom away from Duke and Sybille. Unluckily for him Tess could still hear him. "You need to know something important. You cannot trust my brother."

"And why is that?"

"Because his wife is a practitioner of witchcraft." Orleans explained. "He was never supposed to be King; he was supposed to die years ago."

"How absurd!" the said. "There is no such thing as witchcraft. You are insane, Orleans."

With that the Emperor walked away. Tess smirked and came over to Sybille whispering in her ear. "Orleans just informed the about your species."

The Travellers Chronicles Book Three: To Be A QueenWhere stories live. Discover now