We embrace each other in a hug before he gives me a kiss on the head. The rest of the day he spent making it up to me in many ways before settling down and watching movies.

July 25th

Today is the day.

I look in the mirror and smooth out my shirt before looking to Atlas who is also getting ready. I've been a bundle of nerves since yesterday and I dread having to see their faces again as well as relive the nightmare that occurred.

Everyone has decided to testify against Nate and Griffin , which shocked me really. Vera had a really hard time with depression after it happened , but she told me she was determined to look at them in the eyes and make sure they are put behind bars for good.

" You're the strongest woman I know " Atlas whispers in my ear as he hugs me. Atlas has been my rock ever since it has happened. I'd had multiple breakdowns and nightmares but he was there to pick me up every single time.

We head downstairs and I see everyone is dressed and ready to go. We all give each other one big group hug before heading out to meet Annette outside the courthouse.

" Ready? " Annette asks holding a thick binder.

I nod before holding my head high and entering the building. We get to the courtroom and we are seated before the judge comes and settles down. After a few moments , the door opens and my body freezes.

Nate and Griffin in orange jumpsuits , both handcuffed are being escorted to their seats. Annette told us that they were provided a public attorney, since their families refused to supply one.

I look over and I see their parents , siblings , and they all have disappointment and sorrow written on their faces. Their mothers are crying into their tissues and we haven't begun yet.

I am seated beside Annette and I turn to Atlas who is behind me. He looks at me before mouthing " I love you " and some of the uneasiness subsides.

The trial begins and I am the first seated to testify against the two.  I look over to them and I see the hatred in their eyes. I take a deep breath and swallow the lump that has formed in my throat before I begin.

I am asked what I was doing before the attack.

" I was driving home from the bank and I noticed a car behind me-"

" Objection your honor , relevancy " 

" Overruled , continue " he says gesturing to me.

" The car behind me had been following me from the moment I left the bank. It- "

" Objection your honor , relevancy "

I begin to grow frustrated at this , but take a deep breath and center myself.

" May I approach " Annette says. 

Annette approaches and the woman does as well. They both begin to talk before Annette comes back and asks for the judge to turn to exhibit b and the screen turns to a picture of the said car , in Nate's name.

I tune out a bit of the bickering before the judge looks at me.

" Okay , let's move forward to when you got home Miss.  " he says kindly. 

"  As I walked up towards the door I saw that it was already opened. I walk inside and I see shattered glass-" I begin reliving my nightmare all over again , and I finally am not interrupted. A few tears fall from my face but I wipe them away as I continue to speak.

The cross examination begins and their attorney walks up to me with a clipboard and some papers.

" Miss Laurent , do you know Mr. Adams and Mr. Jackson personally "

" Yes "

" So you do know them personally "

" Yes "

" So , you would say you know them quite well? "

" Objection , asked and answered your honor " Annette says.

" Sustained " 

" After Mr. Jackson rejected you , you were quite upset? "


" Objection , leading " Annette calls out.

" Sustained "

Their attorney continued asking me these ridiculous questions , none of which pertained to the attack and so she became quite frustrated.

" That's all " she says before stomping back to her chair.

I grip the sides of my chair as I get through what felt like hours and I'm excused.

Next is Vera , who gives her testimony that has tears coming out of everyone's eyes. Annette has pulled photos , evidence , everything she could build against the two and placed it in front of the judge.

We are now outside on a small break , and since we are not aloud to speak about what's going on we sit there in silence. Vera's cheeks are puffy from crying and Elias is holding her protectively. Soon enough , Annette comes outside.

"It's time" is all she says.

Isla testifies next , and her cross examination goes much like mine. Jax , Elias , and lastly Atlas testify against the two and in the end the whole room is silent. All that can be heard are the sniffles on the other side of the room.

We are now on another break as they reach a verdict and I start to become quite nervous. I start to fiddle with Atlas's rings and he lets me do so , knowing it calms me down. After a grueling hour , we are called back inside.

" There is a verdict " Annette whispers. 

" Mr. Jackson , Mr. Adams , I ask that you both stand for the publishing of the verdict " the judge says.

Nate and Landon stand as the clerk is given the paper.

" State versus Nate Jackson and Landon Adams , case number 2022 ZZ 12345. We the jury find the defendant Nate Jackson-"

I hold my breath and the room is as silent as ever

" Guilty of attempted murder in the first degree. "

The court room is filled with cries on one side and large exhales of relief on the other. Tears begin to spill from my eyes and I feel weight come off of my chest instantly.

" We the jury find the defendant Landon Adams-"

"  Guilty, of attempted murder in the first degree. "

Their attorney stands up and asks if she may speak.

" Your honor if I may , this is both defendants first time committing a crime and they are both only 22. Your honor please have sympathy for them while considering their sentence."


I understand that it's her job , but she has to be joking right now.

The judge says nothing on the matter , and looks at the two.

" Do the defendants have anything to say. "

" No your honor " their attorney says after a moment

The judge takes a moment on the computer before looking up.

" The date has been set to August 25th , at 9:00 AM "

He says taking a pause.

" Dismissed "

Nate and Griffin?

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