My hands were trembling. I wanted her! If they didn't come and stop me, I would've had her, on that bed, even against her will! Jimin is right, I'm crazy! But so are they!

Jungkook and Jimin barely had time to proceed what happened. They were both staring at yn. She was naked!! And with Namjoon!!
But Jimin saw she wasn't fine and he run up to her, covering her body with the sheets on the bed.

"What happened ? Are you ok? Did he do anything? To you? The babies?!"
"I, he, we, I mean, he came inside! I was bathing... Ihmm bubble bath.
Jimin, I believed it was you. No lights and he just suddenly pushed me into the tub. I was drowning!"
Jimin was crying and he hugged yn.
"I will just kill him! I'm sorry it my fault! I shouldn't leave you alone!"

Jungkook was pale like a ghost. He dropped on his knees.
"He did what? To you?"
He rushed to the door, wanting to catch up to Namjoon.
"Don't. Kook, stop!" Yn barely managed to speak.
He came closer to her, reluctant to look into her eyes.
"Can I, would you let me, hug you?"
Yn looked at Jimin, and he nodded like a small yes. But he didn't agree with Jungkook. He truly believed he doesn't deserve a second chance. They shouldn't talk about her that way, whatever what happened between them.

"Yes. You can...."
He rushed into her body like he was ready to slam Jimin from her side. He hugged her tight. His arms here big, trembling.
Yn felt safe.  She started to cry.
"Can I just tell you something, and you, just listen? I mean, it not the right timing, but I just need like, to get rid of these emotions. Will you?"
"Yea, Jungkook. I will listen to you."

"I can barely hold on, now that you're gone,
Every night I lay alone, thinking of our beautiful mistakes,
I'm still in the love with the past and I would never take them back,
But I feel so broken, bittersweet,
You were my home and I just broke you to bits, due to jealousy and insecurities,
Just like my broken dreams,
So now I just lie to myself that, maybe one day,
You will come back to me, my love!"

Yn was softly crying on his chest. She knew he was honest now. But she was to hurt. And not only by him. By Yoongi and Taehyung also. She knew it wouldn't be possible and it was to much to ask for, but she wanted them to be connected in a way, to finally find happiness and just live every day with a smile and treat the hardships as something normal.

But maybe she was wrong. Maybe they were different.
Her idea of normality was not the same as theirs. Cause they lived in different worlds.

Suddenly, someone was ringing at Jimins's door. It was Taehyung and Yoongi. They followed Jungkook to his place.
They met Namjoon on the parking lot, but have no idea about what he did to yn.
"Hey.." Jimin opened the door.
"Where is yn?" Yoongi asked.
Taehyung came inside and saw Jungkook with her.

"Ohhh... seems like we interrupted the lovers..." Tae growled.
"No!" Yn slowly pushed Jk away.
"He was just apologizing. About that time..." yn was softly looking at Taehyung and Yoongi.
"It's not his fault." Yn showed to the sheets.
"Namjoon happened. His hate is bigger than I anticipated."
"What do you mean?" Yoongi stared at her.
Yn shaked her head and pleaded Jimin with her big eyes.

Jimin told them what Yn explained to him earlier.
Neither Tae and Yoongi expected Namjoon to behave like this.
"We need to talk to him. And move you somewhere. To be safe!" Taehyung was shouting!
"Cause here you definitely are not!"
Yoongi also was yelling.

"I'm not going anywhere! I like it here! And I feel safe with Jimin! We enjoy each other!"
"You what?" Jk grabbed her by the arm.
"She meant we are like besties!! No, yn?"
Jimin jumped into it.
"Of course! What did you imagined?" Yn looked baffled at Jk.

Trust or danger?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora