Chapter 4 - Rage

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Chapter 4 – Rage

Itachi woke to a rustling in the room next to him. It had been two days since he had slept with Kenai, and not much had changed other than Kisame ignoring the obvious and both Itachi and Kenai being probably a mix of embarrassed and uncertain to talk about it.

Kisame had crashed on the couch in the living room and Itachi had decided to sleep in the next bedroom, just in case the woman he was finding more beautiful every day didn't want him around. He heard the rustling, and it eventually turned into small thuds and sooner or later he heard Kenai leave her bedroom to go straight out the front door with angry footsteps.

Instead of going to see if she was alright, he listened as he heard her curse loudly and scream in the clearing outside at things he was not sure existed, but either way, she was very angry with them. Kisame was awake already, and was shuffling around in the kitchen, but had stopped at Kenai's outburst.

He made the decision to get up and see what the problem was, and as he made his way into the kitchen, he saw Kisame who was leaning against the kitchen counter with arms crossed over his broad chest, his customary smirk no where to be seen.

No words were spoken as Itachi walked towards the front door, opening it silently to see Kenai kick a tree, which shattered on impact, and as it fell, she paced angrily and he wondered whether it was the weight of her chakra, or her footsteps denting the ground that were making him feel uneasy on his feet.

She caught the tree before it fell to the ground, and he watched in utter amazement as the small girl whose height wouldn't even equal an eighth of the tree's height, and she spun around and threw the damn thing so far it landed at least a hundred metres away, with a loud crash.

His eyes were widened but his face stayed blank, and he wondered whether he should be frightened as her footsteps got heavier, and the look on her face was so demonic he briefly thought he should go back inside and leave her to calm down.

Something he couldn't put his finger on stopped him from spinning around and going back the way he came, and instead he made slow, careful steps towards the furious woman, not wanting to alarm her in case she decided to throw a tree at him, or cause some sort of natural disaster just by punching the ground. It seemed like she didn't notice him until he got close, and her head snapped towards him, and then he saw it...

Kenai was not simply angry. She was so distraught that she was angry. Her eyes were glassy, but full of a complicated mix of sorrow and fire, and it confused and shocked him. Her hands fisted in the front of her shirt, and it ripped with the force. He wanted to comfort her, but wasn't really well-versed in these things to know how to go about it.

She gestured him to stop with a flat hand, and even though he was at least 10 metres away, he could see how badly it was shaking. As she paced some more, her fury seemed to die away a little and she slowed to a stop after a good few minutes.

With a thud, she sat down abruptly, not caring that the ground underneath her was crumbling. Her body began to rack with quiet sobs, and she rocked back and forth in time with her breathing. Itachi started towards her again, being very cautious. When he was right next to her and since she didn't stop him, he knelt down next to her.

She was mumbling incoherently, and it sounded like she was saying someone's name. Carefully, he placed a warm, comforting hand on her shoulder and felt her body shake as she tried to calm herself down with the most even, timed breaths she could handle.

Eventually, her sobs stopped and she just looked so full of despair and pain that Itachi couldn't even look at her, instead moving her to lean against him, her head resting on his shoulder without saying a word. After a good few minutes, Kisame came out as well, ruffling Kenai's hair softly to get her attention.

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