Part 6: Villanelle

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Part 6

Villanelle POV:

It felt like such a long walk from mine to the cafe. I was shivering like my tumble dryer and that rumbles a lot. As soon as I walked inside the cafe I sighed with relief. They had the heating on. I went up to the counter and ordered a Hot Chocolate. I payed and then went to sit down at a table. But then... I saw HER.

I froze. I nearly dropped my drink. Damn it was my first time in forever seeing Eve and I looked like crap. I feel so embarrassed. She was beautiful. I couldn't help but stare.
Eve: "V-Villanelle..?"
Villanelle: "Eve.."
I wanted to run up and hug her but I didn't want to cover her in boiling Hot Chocolate.
Villanelle: "Why do you have a suitcase?-"
Eve: "Oh I just got here and forgot to book a shitting hotel."
I giggled as I put the hot chocolate down and sat across from her.
Villanelle: "So Eve, how has life been?"
Eve: "Shit."
Villanelle: "Oh Why?"
Eve: "Because I haven't been with you.."
I could see her trying to hide her blush. She's adorable. I giggled.
Villanelle: "You don't have to hide the fact you like me Eve. If you didn't you wouldn't have showed up to that date."
Eve: "I've missed you. I've been all alone in some shitty apartment in London watching fucking Hollyoaks."
I couldn't help but laugh because I knew how much she despises Hollyoaks. I knew from the fact she's been watching Hollyoaks that she's felt shitty without me.
Villanelle: "I've missed you too. I hated it being here by myself. I've been watching French programmes when I barely understand French. I truly love you."
I could see her blush even more!
Eve: "I love you too V.."
I put my hand on top of hers and smiled at her. Literally help me. This woman is my world.
Villanelle: "So uh.. since you don't have anywhere to stay.. do you want to stay at mine?"
I could feel myself going red.
Eve: "I'd love to."
By the way she smiled at me I knew she noticed how I was blushing.

We both finished our drinks and then we left. As we walked down the icy paths we held hands and were very close to each other to keep warm. I couldn't help but smile. I was taking the love of my life to my house! Last time she came to mine... uh.. well- she stabbed me. But this is different. She's here next to my holding my hand. I stopped waking and looked around. There was no one around except us. Eve looked at me confused.
Eve: "Why did you stop?"
Villanelle: "I want to do something."
Eve: "Ooh What?"
Villanelle: "This."
I pulled her close to my by her waist. She looked me in the eyes as if she knew what I was gonna do. We both leaned in and we kissed. Her soft lips against mine. I wanted to treasure this moment forever. I slowly started a bit desperate for more and we started 'French Kissing' what a coincidence since we're in France. We went on for a good 3 minutes and then we felt the kisses starting to get a bit heated. So we stopped and smiled at each other completely breathless.
Villanelle: "We can continue this when we get back."
Eve nodded back at me. And luckily we were only 2 minutes away from mine. As we walked into the elevator to my floor, which is the top floor, we started kissing again. No one ever took the elevator because it was old and people didn't trust it. I picked Eve up while kissing her and then as we reached my floor I bridal carried her to my apartment. I unlocked the door while still have my lips conjoined with hers. When I walked in I closed the door with my butt almost slamming it. I took Eve over to the sofa and sat down with her still in my arms. Finally we pulled away.

Yet again another long part! I'm going to start making longer parts so it'll take time to upload but I will definitely continue this asap!

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