{3} : fights

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⚠️trigger warning⚠️: blood and beating

I used to be very fond of him talking about stuff. He gave off stupid arguments sometimes that I enjoyed listening to and arguing back until we both broke into a good goofy laughing hour.
"Tell me why we eat bread in the morning only?", he asked once. "Because it's weird to have it at night?"
"No! But how does bread make upto it to breakfast but not dinner? Why don't we have eggs and bread and bacon at night?"
"Maybe because it makes us feel full and energetic and it's better for morning?"
"Neh! Spaghetti and pasta also makes me feel energetic but we don't have it in the morning. Just why?"

And I would just put a palm on my hand shaking off and laugh at him. There were days we went to far places and even stayed one night together, though nothing happened in between us. We used to click pictures and my diary was filled with millions of them. "Thoughts", I called the diary back then.

I turned the page to find a pic of us at a beach. I still remember how he pushed me off a high rock in the water to teach me swimming.
"Its cold Namjoon", I shivered while he held my hands and told me to suck in a deep breath and pulled me inside the water and I looked at him and his hair floating trying to hold my breath.

I pushed my legs in the water emptying the space between us and he pulled me back up as I held tight over him. "Ack..ngh what the hell was that Nam...joon", I looked at him while he was laughing hard at my face and I splashed water at him. I still remember everything.

I put in the diary as soon as the manager came in. "Dr. Kim...uh are you crying?", she asked and I realized that some tears just flowed down my chin and rubbed them away with my coat "n-no this is just I just forgot my glasses", I said pushing the diary in again so that it doest fall.

"Your glasses are beside you", she said folding her hands. "Y-you're right uh", I nodded and wore them. "Thank you!", I said pretending to work again. "We have to close in some minutes. Hurry Mr. Kim", she said leaving with her bag. I nodded.

It all went wrong with me and Namjoon first when he had been in a fight with a few guys at school.

"You want to mess it up?", the bald one said while holding Namjoon's collar as he didn't try to shake it off. The others taking his stuff and opening his bag and tearing the book away. I saw it all and ran to him picking the book. "Leave him. Who are you?", I cackled while I knew I couldn't even face those ragging guys. "Seokjin...go away", Namjoon simply looked down and didn't try to move.

"Namjoon are you so dumb? I ain't leaving", I said taking the bag away from one. Namjoon's eyes met mine. His nose was bleeding and his cheeks were bruised badly. It all happened outside the college. "Namjoon...", I mumbled while one of them snatched my shirt and pushed me to a wall as I hurt my head.

"You fucking dirty swine. Didn't you mother hug you or some? Leave us alone you fuckers", I yelled on top of my lungs when Namjoon tried pulling away but they held him and me. A punch came right in my way and hit me so hard that my jaw fell towards a side. Another one at my head and then another at my stomach.

I coughed hard and sucked in a deep breath trying to get off the grip. "Look Namjoon got a buddy. How sweet of him to give up his pretty face for this horrible four eyes", the one that held Namjoon spoke and punched him again. "LEAVE HIM", I yelled again when I felt another punch over my nose and I felt the bleeding.

Namjoon coughed looking at me with a weird expression on his face. "I told you to run", he said while I looked at him surprised. "I am not running away", I shook my head and the guy slammed my head over the wall and I closed my eyes as they left me to fall over the ground. My eyes blurred at the wight of them beating him everywhere and somehow I fell unconscious.

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