{2}: belief

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"Kim Namjoon. Nice to meet you", he said that and helped me sit somewhere on a bench. "That's fine don't worry", I informed scooting away from him. His eyes were focused on my scratch "Let's move in, it's bleeding", he offered and without even asking he led me in a office.

He took some box our of a corner having a cotton clean my knee with some med. "Hey that's alright I promise. You don't have to do that", I told him again but he ignored and put a bandage over it firmly.

He sighed heavily and stood up looking at it. "I'm really sorry again, I have always been so clumsy", he chuckled a little. "Kim Seokjin. Nice to meet you Namjoon", I elongated my hand in front of him to shake. He shake it and smiled that made his dimples pop up. "You're new? Which major?", he asked helping me to stand.

"Psychology", I mumbled and proceeded with my hand around his shoulder and tripping at times I put my foot down. "I know where it is. I can drop you", he said and I couldn't agree anymore that I could only walk with him.

There we were outside the class "thank you Namjoon. Hope we meet again", I said as we waved and smiled. I sat inside sighing and looking at the clear board as I took my laptop out of the bag and started to search random things until the professor came in.

The whole day went pretty well. There was a lot going on in my mind but I chose to stay quiet. I made some friends in class too, Hoseok, and Yoongi. They both were just giggly and I liked being with them. Yoongi didn't talk as much but made funny faces when I cracked some jokes.

"Meet you tomorrow Jin", Hoseok wished cheerfully and they both left and I again tripped towards the door sighing and leaving when I saw Namjoon near a pillar. He had a book in his hands. "Namjoon-ah!", I called him as he tend to look around and then his eyes caught mine and I gave him a smile.

"Seokjin. How are you doing now?", he asked looking at my knee and closing the book reading me. I just nodded and waved around my hands "Pretty fine now", I assured him as we started walking out of the gate. "What book were you reading?", I asked him and he sighed taking it out.

"Its actually TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD, By Harper Lee. It's It's amazing book. A story of innocence and virtue, bigotry and hate, love and forgiveness. An Eight-year-old Scout Finch and her father, Atticus, find themselves enmeshed in the trial of a Black man accused of..uh  raping a White woman? This tells the events, revelations, and lessons through the eyes of a young child", he explained and my eyes widened.

"Shows how much you are into books. That is a great story I would like to read it too", I smiled as the way to my home was quite long. "Surely after I finish it myself", he said putting the book inside.

"Tell me about yourself. Seokjin, how did you end up coming here?", I was a little moved by hearing my name from his lips as he kicked a stone and it floated in air till a meter or two. "I'm here to be a psychiatrist. My father shifted for education of mine and for him to search for a better job, I guess he is employed somewhere in this textile shit-", I stopped and blurted out.

"That is fine you can curse with me", he chuckled looking at my face as I laughed a little. We were almost near my house "what about you?", I asked him. "I just wanna have fun in life, I'm looking forward to have a stable job and just enjoy? I'm engineering by the way", he said as we stopped.

"This is your place! It looks pretty huge", he complimented as I stayed silent. "To have fun? That's what you want?", I asked flipping the question. "Yeah have fun, they say we live just once. Stephen Hawking believes that there is no afterlife and the fact that we just made it up for the ones that are 'afraid of dark' may live the life unknowingly", he comments.

"That is fine I guess. I believe there is afterlife. Does that mean I'm a coward? Or am I just a fool?", I folded my arms and looked at him. "Doesn't mean either, that just means you are far from truth. When you get a goal in life, you are more afraid of dying. This is how it works Mr. Psychiatrist. We never know what it is, afterlife or not, we shall just enjoy ok"

I was delighted by his talks as I nodded and looked into his eyes. "You speak a lot. And I cannot deny that it is very thoughtful. I'm not afraid of anything, even though I have a goal to be something. That makes me a believer. Psychology says that~ "Some things you believe because a pattern of experience suggests you should: The sun has come up every morning so far, so why should tomorrow be any different?", I looked at him again and he had his face filled with amazement.

"And do you know what Seokjin, I believe you'll surely be a successful psychiatrist in future. And surely you have nothing to be afraid about. I shall leave", he said as there was an amazing expression on his face that made him look 100 times more handsome. I waved and bowed to him as he left walking.

It was an amazing day of my life. I could never forget how he made me feel. Gradually it all turned and I turned along with it. It took me around mountains and seas and beyond that, where I found my happiness.

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