“Is this paintings yours? Are you really the one that draw it?” an art teacher asked astonished.

“Yes.” Li Chang Bo said indifferent.

“IMPOSSIBLE” Su Yan shouted enraged.

Then he realized what he had just done and looked around. He saw that everyone looked at him in astonishment, he coughed in shame in his hand and said innocent

“I don't mean to offend you, but how is it possible that young master Li can paint like that? I'm not saying that young master Li can't draw, but it's hard to believe that you can draw so well after just seeing one painting of yours. I don't mean any insult.”

“That’s right How are you able to paint to this level.”

“It’s clear that it was drawn by someone else.”

“Zhh, that he even has the guts to present a painting that’s not his.”

One after the other the students started ridiculing and bad-mouthing him.
Li Chang Bo just gazed at them with indifference.

‘System why does it seem like everything is repeating itself. What do they find so nice about mocking me every time without knowing the reason behind my actions. So it wasn’t because Li Chang Bo was helpless, but that these people just have a low IQ and only believe in rumours and what’s better for them.’

[That’s because we are in novice world host. This world only serves to prepare you for the next world's. That's why it's so easy.]

‘Only this world?’

[Yes, host. Only this world. The Next world will be more difficult.]

“If you’re telling the truth, then why wouldn’t you draw at school with this skills?”

“I just didn’t want to.”
The principal was stunned by his answer.

“Whatever, let’s continue with the event. We have already discussed which two will take part in the competition. It's Su Yan and Li Chang Bo. Congratulations.” said the headmaster and gave the two the participation card.

Su Yan was not pleased that his plan failed. He didn't think that Li Chang Bo could draw so well.

‘Next time you won't get in my way so easily, I swear to you. You'll be sorry for
embarrassing me in front of everyone.'


Exhausted, he went to his office and closed the door behind him. He took off his waistcoat and tie and unbuttoned the first two buttons of his shirt after slouching in his work chair.

He closed his eyes and exhaled deeply. After a while he opened his eyes and then something catches his eyes. Across from him on the wall where all his trophies hang, a painting has been hung in the middle, which catches the eye straight away.

But he is more interested in the content of the picture because his baby was in the picture.

Feng Yu Han got up and went to the painting. At the edge of the painting was a message,

"So that you always have me with you. And those annoying flies know that you already belong to someone. Love you."
Smiling slightly, he stroked his baby's face in the painting.

"How possessive. Cute.”

[DING! Feng Yu Han’s favorability for the host increased by 10. The scale is now at

He took his phone out of his pocket and dialled Li Chang Bo's number but then he
remembered that it was four o'clock in the morning so he put the idea out of his head.

Feng Yu Han stared at the painting for hours before he washed himself, changed his suit and went to work.

At the company the employees noticed that their chairman was in a good mood because he wasn’t glaring at someone with that ice cold gaze of his and his aura wasn’t as dangerous as it ever was.
They wondered what the cause of his good mood was.

Because he was in a good mood his work
efficiency was high so he finished his work for today and tomorrow.
The happiest were the employees because they didn’t have to work overtime again.

In the evening he wanted to call his baby but his secretary called him and told him bad news. Someone stole one of his recently obtained project which was millions worth.

After hearing this. His face darkened and his aura sank, becoming deeply cold and

He ordered his secretary in a deep and spiteful voice, “Find that bastard.” and hung up.

‘Zhh, annoying’


A few hours earlier, Feng Ran received an unknown phone call. At first he ignored the call
but after it called him many times in a row he answered.

“Yo, young master Feng, you finally answered your phone. We almost thought that this Su Yan boy wasn’t as important to you as it seems. Haha”

When Feng Ran heard the name ‘Su Yan’ he knew that something bad happened to him.

“WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO HIM?” he roared at the man across the phone in rage.

“Why so loud, you almost made me deaf. Haha today when I woke up I thought
‘Why not Kidnap that kid that young master Feng fancy’s?’. So here we are.”
the man said and laughed in self-satisfaction.

Two days ago someone called him and told him to forder something from young master Feng while kidnapping Su Yan.
At first he was shocked that someone knew about their kidnapping plan and was briefly afraid that they would betray him to the police, but when he heard what the person wanted from him, he laughed with joy.

He hated the Feng family for years because they took everything from him but he knew he could never get his hands on them so he decided to take a person they loved and accidentally found out how obsessed young master Feng is in Su Yan so he decided himself to kidnap Su Yan.

He was fine with someone calling him to cause more trouble for Feng Ran, so he agreed with the person without thinking. He felt like it was an order and he was obligated to agree with this person, but he ignored that feeling.

"Let him go. what do you want from him He didn't harm anyone!” said Feng Ran enraged and confused.

"I want you to feel the pain I felt. I can set him free, but I want something from you." the man said with malice.

"I'll do anything to set him free. What do you want?"

Feng Ran said without really thinking. He
figured that this person just wanted some money from him so it wouldn't matter but if he only knew he would be in danger later because of it, he wouldn't have agreed with this person.


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