[That’s a good plan host but why would you let them make trouble for your man?]

‘Tsk, It’s just a project and it’s not like he wouldn’t be able to solve the problem. And I want to destroy their relationship together so that Feng Ran loses his golden tight in the future.’

[Wow host is intelligent. Killing to birds with one stone.]

‘It’s not that I’m intelligent it’s just that you are dumb’
The system retreated silently angry at it’s host.

“Young master we arrived.” the old driver said.

“Thanks” Li Chang Bo said indifferent and got out of the car marching towards the gate of the Feng mansion.

The guards standing their looked at him warily and asked him who he was. After saying his identity they immediately let Li Chang Bo in and apologised for their rude behaviour.

Li Chang Bo just nod his head and went into the mansion.
In the mansion he asked the butler if Feng Yu Han was home but the butler denied and told him that the master had an important meeting and he wouldn’t know when he will come back.

The butler brought Li Chang Bo to the Living room and asked him if he wanted
something to drink which Li Chang Bo coldly accepted.

While waiting for Feng Yu Han Li Chang Bo played some games on his phone and almost fell asleep.

Out of nowhere he heard the door open and looked at the door excited and hopeful but his feelings vanished as soon as he saw who came in. It was Feng Ran and not Feng Yu Han.

Uninterested, he returned his attention to his phone and treated Feng Ran like air.

Feng Ran had just met with Su Yan and was visiting his uncle because Su Yan shyly asked him again if he could meet his uncle.

He wanted to turn it down again but when he looked into his hope filled watery eyes he couldn’t bring himself to say no. So he promised him to talk to his uncle about it.

Delighted, Su Yan gave him a tight hug and thanked him.

Therefore, he was in a good mood on the way here, but when he saw Li Chang Bo after opening the door, his mood turned bad.

‘I thought I told him to stop bothering me. He even dares to come to the Feng mansion to see.’
Feng Ran went enraged to Li Chang Bo and stopped in front of him.

“What are you doing here Li Chang Bo? How many times do I have to tell you that I don’t like you so stop bothering me!”

Li Chang Bo wanted to ignore him but he was bored and need a bit entertainment so he replied him.

“Are there no other phrases in your vocabulary or why do you keep saying the same thing every time you see me? Are you a broken recorder or what? My life isn't just about you so do us all a favor and shut up." He then got up and searched the butler.

When he found him, he asked the butler where Feng Yu Han’s office was and was led there by him.

Feng Ran who was left behind looked after him with an ugly expression on his face, stormed embarrassed to his room and slammed the door loudly.

‘If he thinks that he can catch my attention by playing hard to get then he is wrong. No one can compare to Su Yan! '


After waiting in Feng Yu Han's office for almost two hours, Li Chang Bo decided to go home. Before he left, he pulled a painting of himself out of the system and hung it in Feng Yu Han's office so he could see it every time he lifted his head.
After that he went home happy.

[Who would have thought that host painted a portrait of himself because host wanted to put it in the lord’s office. Haha, I’m sure that the lord will be extremely happy after seeing it.] the system said with joy.

‘Everyone should know that he already belongs to someone. But system tell me how could Su Yan plagiarize the original owners painting if they were supposed to draw it on the spot in front of the judges?’

[Su Yan despaired because he knew that Li Chang Bo had a better chance of winning the competition than him. At first he wanted to plagiarize a famous painting with an unknown owner but then everyone was informed that they should paint on-site in the finals and that the judges will tell them the theme there. Because the protagonist shou was keen to win, he decided to sleep with one of the judges to get information from him on the theme at hand. Shortly after he found out the theme, he happened to come across an old painting of Li Chang Bo which perfectly matched the theme of the competition, so he decided to pain it. After making that decision and studying the painting, he destroyed it to not leave any evidence that he plagiarized it.]

“tsk, he even destroyed the painting of the original owner. No wonder he couldn’t prove that the painting was his because the protagonist destroyed the evidence.”

Seeing his host sigh, the system new that the host was planning something.

“I’ll have to change something on the painting that Su Yan will plagiarize, so that even if he destroys the painting I would be able to prove my innocence.”


“Mum, where are father and brother?” Li Chang bo asked his mother lazily.
Mother Li stroked his hair while watching TV.

“They’re at the company. Someone attacked the company and the stock prices are dropping. That’s why they have to stay at the company for this long.”

“Oh, but why won’t they let me help them? I offered brother my help but he just laughed at me.”

Mother Li looked at him surprised and just smiled.

“I think it’s because they don’t want you
to worry and they don’t believe that you can help them because you’ve never been interested in business so you don’t know anything about it. Can you help them?” She asked her son softly.

“Yes, mum. Even if I’m not interested in business doesn’t mean I don’t know anything about it.” he said and looked at his mother with a complicated look on his face.

“Then go and show them that you have the ability to help them solve the problem. I believe in you my boy.”

Li Chang Bo was amazed that she didn’t question how he had the ability to help them, so he began to grow fond of mother Li.

That’s why he showed her a real smile
and hugged her tightly.


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