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Chaeyoung's pov

" And I love her, Dad " Her calm voice gives me goosebumps in a blink. I look at her and the two elders did the same. Is she serious? Does she really need to say it in this situation? Her father was so shocked that he keeps opening his mouth but nothing comes out. Her hand in mine is not even moving. She is not nervous at all or maybe she is extremely nervous inside.

" Hon... honey.. you don't.. you know.. you don't mean it.. in that way.. right? " He stutters while his eyes are shaking between me and his daughter.

" Yes, I mean it, Dad. So, you better stop whatever you're arranging with my life. I will never marry Bam Bam. Do you think I don't know about it? " She uttered causing his father speechless for a moment.

What? Is he planning the arranged marriage? I thought at least, her father is a good reliable parent for her. When I think about Mina's life, there was no one beside my Mom and her father she trusted and now, he is trying to stab her back. Why are her parents so toxic? What did Mina even do to deserve this shit?

" Fine, Mina. Since you've heard it, I don't need to explain anymore. Marry him or I'll take my company back. " I really hate how her Mom is smirking at Mina. She puts our hands in her thigh and turns her face to me carrying a smile. And I know it is not a forced smile.

" Thanks, Dad. I've never wanted to manage your shitty company. " She then pulls my hand and about to walk out of the room but Mrs. Myoui made her stop.

" You're really an evil, Mina. Since you were born, you are no good for our family. You killed my son first and now you're gonna destroy our reputation again. That's why you are never loved. "

I feel she tighten her fist when those words come out of her mother's mouth. Then in a blink, I heard the slapped sound as she turns around. It is the time she let go of my hand and let itself shake, closing both of her eyes tight making herself calm down. She releases a long sigh before she opens them.

" Are you happy now? or wanna slap more? Then do it but you know what? Your son, Kai Myoui... will never be alive again. And let me make it clear, Mother. I....Myoui Mina did not kill your son and everybody know it.. except you, Mother. You should walk around and ask them again. " She made sure to say it loud and clear before we walk out. She is unbelievably strong.

Third person's pov

" Chaeng.. hmm.. Sorry, I'm no longer in the mood for a date. So, I'll just drive you home, okay?" Mina said as soon as they hopped into the car. But the younger's attention obviously is on her red cheek. Mina smile and set up the seatbelt for Chaeyoung, rubbing her head like a puppy.

" It doesn't hurt so much, Chaeng. And it's not first time being slapped by my own mother. Don't worry.. remember? I'm strong.. " Mina shows the younger her gummy smile and pats her head before she starts driving.

" C'mon, Mina... I want to stay with you.. Please? " The younger whines as she does not want to leave Mina alone although they are already in front of her house. She has been begging the older on the whole way but the older keeps saying no.

No matter how many times Chaeyoung thinks about the case, there is no way Mina won't be sad about her parents. Her father is forcing her to marry a man and her mother hates her. Also she is about to lose her company. The younger gets off from the car and walks beside the driver seat. She then bends and looks at the older, begging for the last time which made Mina smile gently. She rubs the younger's head and gives a peck on it as a comfort kiss.

" Sorry, Chaeng.. I want to be alone today. I need to clear this mess in my mind. I'll make sure to call you tonight. " Although the younger is not happy with what Mina said, she can't help but let the older go.

Chaeyoung's pov

She is right tho. She needs time to heal herself too. I don't understand why life has been so cruel to Mina? There are a lot of worse people in the world and still why all of this shitty things need to be happened to Mina? That is too unfair. I sit down on the couch while thinking about the scenes I witnessed today.

What sort of parents on the world can do this to their child? Her mom puts all the blame on her while her Dad uses her life for his business. Now I fully understand why my mom cared about her so much. She has always been alone. Her life has been cold and silent like a cave. Since my mom has passed away, it must be a tough change for her too. She became back to her lonely life again and no one was by her side when she needs most. She always wanted someone but also she hates to say it out loud. She hates to be pitied, she hates to be weak.

My whole nervous system stopped working and my body got paused at my own thought. I repeat my thoughts again.

" Damn!! She needs me! " I pick up my phone and put on my sneakers in a rush. I just insert my shoelaces into the sneakers casually as I have no time to tie a pretty butterfly shape. I ran out of my home and did not bother to lock my house because there is always Dahyun or Jeongyeon who will do it for me.

I run and run and run like a kid who is following the moon because I think a taxi won't be as fast as my legs with this traffic jam. How comes I was so dumb? She wanted me to be by her side when she woke up from her nightmares. She hates to show her weak side to the people but she cried like a baby in my chest. All I can think right now is to be with her. To sit next to her, skin to skin.

Her eyes were silently asking me to stay with her although her mouth is telling me to go with that smile because this is how she has been living her life. Even when she is saying harsh words, her eyes were showing guilty to her mother. Damn. The one who cried last night is her. Her smirk has always been the glass shield to hide her true self.

I used my last strength to jump into the living room. I try to catch my breath while my hands are on my knees to support my panting body. My legs are so weak only to straighten up my back. Then an image at the corner of the room pulls my attention. I step forwards for a better view. My heart is broken into pieces when I saw her crying shakily, hugging her knees tight like a helpless child.

I grab my clothes, tighten my fist not to tear up while walking closer to her. She is sitting against the glass wall, so , I sit next to her when she looks up me with her wet eyes. My legs started to feel sore as I sit down. She looks away and stares at the blank place in front of us. I move my body a little closer to touch her skin, to let her feel my presence.

" I'll just sit here.. and I'll forget about today tomorrow. " She tightens her arms around her legs and cries harder when she hears me. My chest feel so painful to hear her cry. Just how much pain she is holding inside her? She must be really exhausted today that she fell asleep on my shoulders. She always fall asleep after crying hard just like a baby. I promise you I will try not to make you cry from now on. I will protect you my best even I can't protect myself well.

I release a sigh because I'm starting to feel tired and my body, arching from everywhere. I close my eyelids as I feel like sleeping. Then I open my eyes again. I blink a few times for a clear vision. I turn my head when I feel like something is missing. She is not here. At the time, I stand up and look around, I found out it is already dark outside. Did I fall asleep? I thought I just closed my eyes for a few seconds.

When I walk into the kitchen, there she is, Mina in apron. I give a fake cough to gain her attention while standing at the door. She put down the pan and turn around for me. She put her folded arms on her chest and show off her gummy smile but her eyes are slightly swollen from crying.

Whenever I see her smile, I became so greedy to be the only one who can see it. None of us chooses to talk first. We just stared at each other for a couple of minutes, letting our eyes talk, making sure she is alright. And I find her eyes are telling me not to worry.

" Go take a warm bath, Chaeng. I'll make dinner for us. " She orders me so softly and I mean who would dare to complain her?

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