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Chaeyoung's pov

I glare at him immediately as I sense his big hand on my wrist which makes him let go of it in a sec.

" Jeez.. Chaeyoung. I'm on my last year and you are not a fresher anymore. I've already got over you. " He said but he sounds more likely teasing me. I throw a fist on his arm and of course, even if I use all of my strength, his muscular arm won't flinch. He chuckles that I groan as my hand got hurt from punching him instead. He asked me out several times before. He was so persistent and stubborn that I had to come out to him at last. Since after the day he has realized a rainbow will never show up straight, we become bros.

" I just wanna talk " He said.

" Go on. Hurry up. My friends are waiting for me " I said as I check time on my phone.

" Have you got a new guitar? " I shook my head slightly. Yes, I need to buy a new one as mine is really old and it does not sound as good as before anymore.

" My saving are still not enough but I think I can afford to buy next month. I've got another part-time job at a cafe near our uni "

Since I was in my high school, one of my dreams is to work part-time jobs and earn my own money. My pride did not let me ask money from mom since she was alive. But it is not like mom left me nothing but I just don't feel right to use her savings. I don't know. It is like my mindset since I was young.

" You know what, I can lend you my extra guitar if your old one can't be used anymore. Okay? "

I nodded, gesturing ok sign before we end our conversation and said goodbye. Jackson oppa has always been so kind and a gentleman indeed. If I were a straight, I might fall into him right away. I run straight forwards when I see two familiar back but when I get closer to them, it is not only two.

" Mina ssi? "

Third person's pov

" Why don't you kids order something? C'mon! It's on me. " Mina said while looking at the two girls in front of her with a smirk and folded hands. Chaeyoung who is next to Mina, with furrowed brows glare at her friends when they pick up the menu as soon as they hear Mina. They didn't even listen to their teachers like they do to Mina.

" So, how's Sana doing? I haven't seen her in weeks. " Mina asked which makes Chaeyoung and Dahyun confused. They look at their friend with a dumbfounded face.

" She is in Japan now... for some documents I guess " Tzuyu answered blankly and Mina just nodded slightly.

" You know her? " Chaeyoung asked. And she want to kick her friend's ass when she simply nods without frustration, showing she doesn't even feel guilty.

" And you didn't even tell me? " The shorty asked with a toothy smile, obviously threatening in silence. She tilts her head and clenches her eyes when Tzuyu shrugs, while Mina watching everything closely with a smirk.

" Sana is my business partner since she's started managing Chou family's company. Well, we're close enough to have a meal at each other's house. " Mina gives an explanation for the sulky kid next to her on behalf of Tzuyu. Chaeyoung then drags Mina outside of the restaurant. She let go of her hand after making sure her friends can't see them.

" Mina ssi, why are you here again? I think we need to meet no more. " Mina takes another card out of her coat which make the younger sigh in disappointment.

" Mina ssi, I've told you I won't take any money from you. Look, I know you look down on me 'cause mom worked for you but I a- " The younger got cut of by a soft voice.

" My hand aches, kid " Mina said as her hand is hanging in air, holding the card. And Mina's attitude is getting on Chaeyoung's nerves.

" Mina ssi, listen carefully. I.. am not poor. It's true that my wealth isn't in place to compare with yours bu- " Stubborn and impatient Mina didn't let her finish. And there is Son Chaeyoung who got cut off for the second time.

" Then why are you working in cafe and bar at the same time? " The younger got frustrated for a sec.

" How.. " Mina smirks and take Chaeyoung's hand before she put the card in it.

" It doesn't get me a sweat to know about a kid like you. Oh.. perhaps, did you underestimate me? Don't forget, kid. I'm nine years older than you. Anyway, let's say this is pocket money for this month. " Mina said and left the younger dumbfounded.

Chaeyoung's pov

" Doesn't it mean she will give you money monthly? " Dahyun said, my neighbor and friend since I was born said, laying her head on my lap after listening to my story. I am sitting on the couch and this brat on my lap is eating my snacks without asking me again.

" I really dislike when people force me " I said as I throw the card on the table and take potato chips from her hand which makes this tofu-block sit up immediately. She then stares at the chips in my hand as I stick my tongue out to tease her.

" Let's play rock, paper, scissor " Dahyun said and I give a high-five in agreement before I put down the chips on the table.

" Shit!! That's not fair! " I yelled as she just took the chips unlike what she said. I kick her thigh and run when she shrugs and sticks out her tongue. We both stop playing when we hear a notification sound and my phone screen light up. She picks up my phone and then check the message as if it's hers.

" Chaeyoung, who's it? " She asked in confusion and hand me my phone while sitting down beside me to peek at it. When I see the message, the only person pops out on my mind.

Unknown _ Kid, I'll take you to your uni tomorrow morning. You better get ready before I arrive.

" Who is it? He calls you kid. Do you know this number? " Dahyun said. Although a lot if people call me kid because of my height, the way she talks will never change. I call her number and she picks up immediately as if she knows I will.

" Mina ssi, can you stop bothering me? " I hear her light chuckles through the phone which is getting on my nerves again. I sigh and swallow my anger back to prevent harsh words coming from my mouth. No matter what, she is still older than me and also her father helped us a lot back then.

" Don't pick me up tomorrow but let's meet at somewhere else. I'm going to give the card back to you. " I said and she became silent for secs but I feel creepy as if I know that she is smiling on the other side.

" If you say so.. I'm thrilled that Chaeyoung ssi has desire to see me again. Anyway, I have a meeting in next 5 minutes. So, let me hang up first " She excuse herself before ending the call. I was about to ask the location and time we will meet but as expected, she only knows what she want to do. She is really selfish, isn't she? I think and throw my phone onto the couch.

" Dahyun, this woman is really hard to understand, right? " I asked her and I have no idea why does her reply get me frustrated.

" Why are you trying to understand her in the first place tho? " She said and make a face to tease me. I fake cough and try to change the topic.

" How the hell did she get my number? " She then puts her hand on my shoulder and gives me some light pats.

" Calm down, Shorty. " She said like she is much taller than me.

" Don't you remember how Tzuyu checked our personal information when we asked her to be friends. " I sigh, thinking is this how rich people live their life. That is too unfair that they intervene in anyone's life as they wish.

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