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Third person's pov

It has been almost a year that Chaeyoung works as a bartender at a bar named, Boo. Although she is studying in university to fulfill her mother's wish, she never sees herself as an architect in the future. It is true that she love to draw since she was young but whenever she got tired of many projects, she just wanted to give up unless it is for her mother.

She is very envious and at the same time, regretful too when she see how her friends love the major they chose to learn. Back then, she spent too many days confusing about her unsure choices. People say sometimes, strangers are more comfortable than friends. She was depressed and at the same time, she did not feel like talking out to her friends. So, when she told about her concerns to Jackson, he tried to help her find what she really wants to do. He used to take her to many places including pottery to bars to experience many jobs beside designing buildings.

According to Ed Sheeran, bar is a better place to find a lover than clubs but instead of a lover, Chaeyoung found her passion in bar. She was addicted at the first sight of bartender performing behind the bar-counter, in front of them. Though her mother was against the idea of working in bar as bartender, she fought for her way that she really wants to walk. She did not want to regret by following someone else's decision one more time. She gave her best and learnt from the former bartender who is also the owner of Boo bar. She gets excited everytime she sees the way different colors of liquors combine magically. She feels proud when she sees the customers are impressed by her performance or her drinks. 

" What'd you like to drink, Señorita? " Chaeyoung asked as she noticed a figure, taking a seat in front of her while checking the Tequila sunrise she just made. Although R&B music is filled the whole place, she can still hear the customer's familiar light chuckles which make her hands paused.

" Woah.. that's new side of you. Flirtatious Chaeyoung ssi " The familiar customer said with a smirk as Chaeyoung lifted her head to see an attractive woman in black shoulder-off dress. Mina teasingly winks at the younger who is dozed under her visual and unconscious to speak. The younger then immediately sways her head, internally scolding herself to get together and cleans her throat exposing herself more obvious that she got flustered.

" You are the flirtatious one, Mina ssi " Chaeyoung said and did not see what is coming next.

" What's wrong with being flirtatious? " Mina said seductively with her tilted head which makes the younger's ears and cheeks burn. She feels like an electric current just passed through from her head to toes.

" I- I mean.. what are you doing here? " The younger said, trying to erase the weird tension between them. The attractive Japanese woman raise her brows and change her expression into an innocent victim in a second.

" Huh? Isn't Chaeyoung ssi the one who missed me so madly? " Chaeyoung rolls her eyes and hands the cocktail to the waitress before she picks up another empty glass for next order.

" I said let's meet. I've never said I miss you. " The younger said and her hands are busy cleaning the glass with the white towel. 

" Well, what's the difference tho? " Mina asked between her smirk. Chaeyoung was about to explain the difference of two words but she just releases a sigh and gives up as she knows the older is just messing with her. It is harder to wake up a person who is pretending to be asleep. So, she sees no point of explaining it to her.

" I didn't expect you will follow my work place. So, I didn't bring your card with me... unfortunately. " The younger said and put a citrus twist on the vodka glass carefully.

" Fortunately.. " Mina corrects Chaeyoung's sentence under her breath but enough to be heard by the younger but she just pretend like she never heard.

" Why can't you just admit that you wanna see me again? Such a kid " Mina uttered before turning her body aside and smiles at the waitress coming towards the bar with a piece of paper.

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