Darling Darlings

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Amber POV

Whipping my head in the direction of the sweet voice, there was no one there? What?

Before I could question what the heck was going on, a sweet giggle from above caught my attention. Looking up I saw what looked like a floating girl. A. Girl. Is. Floating.

I don't even know how to deal with that. If she was to be standing on the ground I would say that we may be the same height. She looks way thinner than I do though, which makes all the twist and curves she seems to love to do in the air look graceful and beautiful. Her Hair though seemed to have a sparkle to them that made her golden hair seem to shine even though the hallway is pretty dim.

"It so good to see you brothers! It has been so long! My darling darlings! I can't wait to tell you guys about the waterfalls and that I made a new friend! He's going to be here in about tow weeks. It will be perfect that you found your mate too! Because I was bragging to everyone I met that my Three big brothers are mated." The twisting fairy? Giggled as tackled us.


She smells like Honeysuckles and some kind of fruit.
I never thought I would like the smell of a female or that my wolf would be okay more than okay for a female to hug us.

"Sarah we need to head to the garden on the far side. A certain someone is here and you are not supposed to be here till tomorrow so you know who wouldn't try and set things aflame again." Xavier scolded but hug

 "Sarah" anyway.

"Sarah? Your Sarah? The one that everyone is trying to make sure Draco doesn't see?" Speaking out loud to work out what the heck is going on. This is the girl that is setting The dragon off like there is no tomorrow.

"You guys either got your self a smart cookie for a mate or you have been naughty telling your mate babbles about me." Snickered the the floating giggler.

"We will tell you both everything after we get to the gardens. Okay?"Theo giggled?

My manly mate just giggle.

Things are just getting weirder, after making it to the garden the boys seemed to calm down alot . The garden was a huge circle a gazebo in the center. the Garden wall looked to be white marble making the yellow and orange roses pop, but nothing could compare to the blue roses that looked to be carefully planted around the gazebo making it a major eye catcher. Lovely furniture was set up underneath with tea and back good. Little muffins and fruits.

Oh no.

"You are not going to be stuffing me with more food Theo." I glared at my mate as he tried to act hurt from accusation making everyone else laugh. My stomach still hurts from that first bowl.

"If you insist my love.."Xavier snickered as most of us took our seat.Sarah still continued to float around like there nothing better to do.

"Okay now spill the beans. What is going on? Explain now." I glared at all of them. as they each everyone of them looked everywhere but me. Fine. I'll just ask my special goof ball.

"Theo. You start. Why is it you guys are trying to his stuff from me?"I glared at him as he looked uncomfortable.

"It's not that we are really hiding anything from you, its just that we don't want you stressing out. "Mumbled Theo.

"I seriously believe its to late for that." I can't comprehend the mode of thinking after whats still going on between us four.

"Well to put it simple . Darlings here are trying to keep the peace between us and the Dragon so that we can avoid going into war. In which there is a really big chance that more than half of the werewolf population would be completely destroyed within a few days. Dante is the best person to smooth things out since he's the one probably dealing with Draco right now. I really don't know why Draco goes crazy anytime we are in the same building and before anyone accuse me for anything we worked it all out last year." Sarah sad long sad sigh. Her sadness must be contagious because now I feel like eating tubs of ice cream.

"Well, that pretty much sums it all up. Thanks Sarah. But Theo is also right. We didn't want to stress you out any more. Me and Dante still need to prove our selves to you that we don't see as anything others than our love. We didn't want to drag you into this mess until, well we were all mated. As terrible as that sounds. If we mated before this all happened, you would be able to fight along side of us instead of I am sure from your expression that your tired of being kept away from it all. There are thing we are working on with Draco that only we know about. " When Xavier sad those last words he looked up at Sarah and she gave him a knowing look.

She left us alone to float over to the wall of the garden to have a seat right the top of it.We made me angry that it seems like they always have something to hide from everyone, but it also made me curious on why she left or was rather sent away.

"Darco is diying and we are not sure why. The only thing we can think of is that it might be due to the fact he hasn't found his mate. Sarah has really strong feeling for Draco, but she tends to break down when Draco has one of his break . It always happens when Draco catches her scent and it always tears her apart to see him suffer, and since she's part healer sit makes it worst." Theo snarled as he looked over to Sarah with nothing but sadness in his eyes.

"Wait. What do you mean she's part healer?" Does that mean that their Mom has multiply mates that are not all the same species or is it the other way around?

"Sarah is our adopted sister. She was left as pup in this very gazebo, when she was about five she shifted to her human form and never shifted back. But as time went by she gain powers that we have only read about in lost species. She can fly like some of the Fae from old tails and she has the healing touch from Healers or to some books Angels. She could heal anything." Xavier explained before he started eating some of the food on the table.

"If Sarah can heal anything, than why not Draco?" Slapping Theo hand when he tried to bring the fruit to my mouth.

"That's the thing Love. When ever we try to get Sarah to heal Draco Scallion dragon reacts. Apparently its an over drive instinct to protect the leader at his weakest from unknown threats. Making it impossible to get near Draco with out the help of a dragon shifter to protect Sarah as she get close to him. All she need to do is just touch him once." Theo growled at the end as I slapped his hand for the third time.

Stubborn male.

"But that's the thing! My new friend I made can help us! He is from a Lava dragon clan, nothing in the world could burn him! He's coming tomorrow, we just need Draco to stay one more night. I can fix him. Please brothers. This will work!" I nearly jumped out of my seat from Sarah just popping back over here with excitement and hope. she practically glowing.

"What do you mean Lava clan? There is only Draco clan. Scallion told us and we confirmed it when we went to there kingdom." Theo eyes narrowed as he looked at Sarah like she was lieing.

"Well he lied. There more types of Dragon than they ever told us." Saran snapped at Theo as he continued to glare at her.

"But how.."Before I could even finish my quetion a loud roar shook everything. As we looked in the direction of where the sound came from, howl was herd as well.


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