No. We are not keeping it.

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Amber POV

"Come on, Love one more." Theo said as he tried to feed another chocolate covered strawberry.

"No. More. Theo. Your going to make me explode." I said as I tried to stop the strawberry from coming towards my face.

So after lunch he suggested a snack and that was a whole bowl of fruit covered in chocolate. In which he fed me most of them. When I say a bowl was not a small bowl, it was a party size bowl.

"Please baby. Just one more?" He cooed as he place small kisses on my cheek.

Do not give in. Do not give in. Do not give in. Your belly can't handle anymore food, no matter who is feeding you or how sweet it is , or that it taste really good. But then he did it. He the puppy eyes!

No! How? Why?

His puppy eyes put my puppy eyes to shame. It made me feel like I gave him a kitten then took it and kick it. I can't deni him. Then he let out a whimper that broke my heart.

"Please?" He whispered as he let his eyes become glassy.

"Okay." I said as I let him feed me the last strawberry. I groan from wanting to barf out everything in me but fought it.

"Brother that was cruel." I herd my mate that still needs to earn my forgiveness said with a soft chuckle.

Xander was leaning against a wall watching us and the feeling of nausea was killing me.

"It is not cruel to feed our mate. I wanted to make sure she was well fed and I did. Now what are you doing here? Are you here to apologize to our precious mate? Or are you here to be a complete ass for walking in on our romantic moment?" Theo growled out as he rubbed my back.

It was soothing but the ache of over eating was still strong.

"I am here to apologize to her and to save her from you. If we leave her to long with you he might end up like the cat that you over fed. I am sure that our lovely girl doe not want to end up like Crypt." He snickered as Theo growled at him.

What happen to Crypt?

A second pair of hands to rub on my back made me feel so much better.

"Our mate will be beautiful no matter what and Crypt lived to be twenty years old." Snapped Theo as he made to get up.

I couldn't stop the giggle that escape my lips, my wolf mate has a soft spot for cats. Just as I was about to ask more about Theo cat and even ask Why Dante was here a loud crash shook the room. The sound made the hairs stand on end after hearing the loudest roar of my life.

"Dante Take Amber. I have to get out to Xander." Theo growled as he practically threw me at Dante.

Landing on him with a umf I almost had a panic attack when I herd the roar again and this time everything shook so bad that things were falling off tables,

"What the hell is going on!?" I creamed as My mate pick me up and held me tight to his hard body.

"I will answer your questions as soon as we get to the safe room, I promise to keep you safe mate. I won't let them take you." He growled as he ran out of the room we were in like we were being followed by fire or something.

As he dash into another hallway something crashed threw the wall in front of us destroying the hallway as it went threw the next wall.


Hey thanks for reading guys and for voting on commenting. I look forward to reading new messages every time before I do a update. I also love hearing feed back from yall as well.
So have a good day or night and lot of sprinkles.

There is no way that I have three matesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora