Explain it slowly

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Amber Pov

"So let me get this straight. Dante when he was a pup was attack by a shark shifter who wanted to play with him like a chew toy, keep him like a pet, and Dante got bald spots from when the shark wanted to cuddle with him?," As I said all this I tried my da!n hardest not laugh!

I tried!

I swear I really did!

But I just couldn't hold it in!

The image of my mate freaking out from a shark shifter trying it's hardest to cuddle him leaving him with bald patches after wards was to frickin funny! It's both sad and hilarious.

I was now sitting on Theo's lap since Dante shift into his wolf form trying to attack xzaver as he dodge and laugh at him.

"Yup ever since then he has had a fear of the water and still doesn't know how to swim. Even tho Forest has apologize multiple times to Dante about the incident he still freaks out. But it's better now since Forest has found his mate. She is a lovely Koy fish." Theo said as he snuggled behind me.

It took some convincing but I got them to put on some pants!

"So what did the dragon want with Dante? He has to have been here for a reason beyound setting things on fire and trying to crisp mine and Dante asses." I said as I leaned back against him.

He could be a great pillow, to bad it takes a lot for a werewolf to get fat......wait is that what he's trying to do to me?

"That is and excellent question my little mate. Why was Draco here Dante?" Theo growled out as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

Xavier try to tackle Dante, but Dante made a last second turn making Xavier face plant into the floor. Ouch!

He shift back and glared at everyone. Well hello fucking mister mood swings.

"The only thing that makes sense for Draco to be here is that he is trying to stack a claim on our goldmines again. So this either means he is scenting out for a mate that he is sniffing around here for to impress her in the old traditional way, or he is nearing the end of his human life span and his dragon taking over more then the last time we saw him. I'm hoping for the ladder of this situation." He huffed out. He seemed distance after saying all this information.

" There is no way is dying already! Draco has thousands more years to go in him! He is still on his prime to lead his clan! We can negotiate on the goldmines but there is no way Draco could be dieing! He just can't!", Xavier snapped as he shift back.

He looked beyound pissed from the news. I'm guessing hi! And Draco are good friends it makes sense for him to be this way after bearing news like this. But I feel scared on what this all could mean.

What would happen if Draco human self died and his dragon took over? Would he stay shifted as a dragon? How big is Draco clan any way? What can we do to help?

" We are going to need to gather all the females in the kingdom to see if he will follow them. We might be able to identify who his mate is or if he you know." Theo said into my shoulder.

My wolf was not liking the way it seemed that they were all falling apart about this whole situation.

"No! That will put to many of our people in danger, we need to think of something else." Dante said with a growl.

" How about if we just invite him here and just ask him?" I stated out ,I didn't think they were listening to me.

But they were.

"That's not a bad idea. We have everything we need here Incase it goes bad.*declared Xavier

"It would be easier as well to, Incase he does find his mate on the way in. Plus if all else fails we will just feed him till he feels the need to hibernate." Theo chuckle

I will head up to make the arrangements with the staff." Dante said as he rushed off. He better put on some pants!

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