The pillow bit me!

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Amber pov

I woke up in bed and it was so comfy and warm. I was to tired to open my eyes so i just snuggle more into my comfy pillow and it was so warm. I  felt safe and happy with my pillow. When I cuddled even more into my pillow I felt like I was now being held from behind from another pillow and it was causing the pillow I was cuddling with to hold me tight to it.

Awwww my other pillow wants to cuddle with me to.

Wait a minute.................Pillows don't cuddle or hold you...

My eye's snap open and I come  face to face with the bastered that mark me yesterday. My mate.

That's when I could hear my wolf yelling at me. MATE! MATE! MATE!

Yes, wolf I am looking right at him. I said at her with a growl. I couldn't get as mad as I wanted because the stupid mark was preventing me from getting mad at him. Plus the sparks were super intense, like twice as strong, and I was fighting a moan from trying to escape me.

No! Other mate! Turn around!

I turn to see another sex-god and looks exzactly as my mate. He had a big grin and his eye's held a twinkle to them. I could feel my first mate chuckle and I sent a death glare his way.

"Watch it little mate or else we will punish you." Said my first mate with a husky voice. He added on a sexy low growl to the end and I subconsciously arch my back and it caused me to grind my ass on to my second mate.

He groaned and hearing that was making my wolf purrr. My second mate then held my hips and brought his lips to my neck leaving small kisses. I t was such a turn on. The way his lips kept touching my skin giving me pleasured and his grip on my hips giving me pain. A little moan work it's way out of me and that caused both of my mates to growl.

"Yes Love. Moan for me." My second mate said with a husky tone.

But that ended the moment I felt his canines scraping on my skin.

I kew at that moment he was going to mark me just like how his brother did and I was not having that. I tried to fight out of his gripe. But that only pissed him off and he chomped down. I screamed and my first mate kissed me scream into his mouth. Tears were streaming down the longer he bit me. He would bit down and then easy up and bite down even harder.

It was so painful and all I could think about is why moon goddess what have I done to deserve such cruel mates?

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