"Why what?" She questioned with her words coming out like fire, almost charring the table she sat on.

"Why? Why did you do it?" I reiterated.

"Oh I don't know. Some unknown loser like you randomly grabbing the attention of the person I'd been desperately trying to win over for years." She explained. I'd already sort of figured that much out but the way she worded it nudged on my insecurities. From what I can tell Zhan only sees me as a friend anyway, so she messed up her chances for nothing.

"He was always so rude and mean to everyone, but deep down I could see that he was glad to have friends. I always hoped he'd see me as something more. With every new girl, he got with I found myself becoming more jealous and protective. He would eventually find someone he was happy with and wouldn't look my way. So until he noticed me I kept everyone else away by any means." She explained.

"He's the man I deserve. My love for him is so strong that I should be the only one for him." She continued, sounding a little crazier with every spoken word.

"You call destroying someone's important
belongings and breaking their heart "loving them"?" I boiled, upset with her logic.

"If it helped me get his attention then yes, its worth the sacrifice." She said, convinced her ways were justified.

"Things have always been difficult for me. The pressure my parents put on me to get high grades, the expectations everyone has for me, I should be able to have what I want, right?" She said, but I wasn't convinced she had it any harder than the average person. Heck, after visiting her house I knew she was quite entitled. Her room looked like that out of a shopping magazine. She didn't have it as bad as she made it out in her head.

"While I have it hard you and every one of these brain-dead monsters get to go on living your normal lives without a care in the world." She sounded emotional.

"I thought maybe I would be willing to forgive you, eventually, but now I know you don't deserve it. You're a blind fool, Cindy." I told her before turning my back to her. I felt the anger seeping from her body clawing at my feet, but I ignored it.

Zhan and Xichen caught up with me after school, getting ready to head home. It still felt surreal that I was living with them. My father hasn't come looking for me which is also a plus. Speaking of him, now that I'm living with the Xioas I'll need to get some of my belongings from home... assuming they're still in one piece. I didn't want to think about that right now. I just wanted to enjoy the evening with Zhan and Xichen.

Just as we were heading for the exit the announcement speakers went off. "Cindy Morris, please report to the principal's office." It was a womanly voice. A look of pure delight crossed both Zhan and Xichen's faces.

"Should we stick around to see what happens?" Xichen asked.

"I'd rather we just go home. I've already had enough of Cindy for today, and forever." I said with a subtle frown on my face. I didn't plan on heading in for work today. I decided that I would head back on Monday. I don't exactly need the money but it'll give me something to do, and it's good experience.

"Yeah, I see, let's go then." Zhan said in

"News travels fast so I'm sure we'll be able to find out what went down tomorrow." Xichen groaned, stretching his arms.

"Tomorrow is Saturday you doofus." Zhan
said, playfully punching Xichen's shoulder.

"Oh....... you're right." Xichen came to the
realization after pondering for a few seconds. "Monday I guess." He sighed, disappointed.

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