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"Your room really is amazing." He complimented gawking at the sight. It was much cleaner than the last time he came over so I can understand his unearthed awe. I wake up every morning in this room so it doesn't really feel like anything special.
That got me curious about Yibo's room, I wonder what it looks like.

"I'd love to see your room someday." I said, scouring the room for my small basketball.

"Yeah, maybe." He said it unconvincingly with a slight shrug. I really wonder why he's so secretive. I want to get to know the guy better. When it comes to certain things he completely shuts me out. I'll give him his space though, he seems like he's been through a lot already so I don't want to pressure him.

I found the little basketball on one of my dressers and tossed it to Yibo. He just barely managed to catch it, being taken by surprise. A smile propped my face and he threw it back to me. It started getting intense after a while with us almost
knocking things over.

I didn't have anything planned for us, I just really wanted to spend the night with Yibo. Being around him helped me forget about what happened today. I was pretty shaken by it but when I saw Yibo enter the locker room I felt myself relax, all the tension melted away.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't able to come up with anything fun for us to do." I admitted I was a little disappointed. I stole a peek at him to see his expression, he looked happy? I tilted my head slightly in confusion.

"This is plenty fun." He beamed. "Anything is fine with me, as long as I'm here." He said stretching his arms and twirling around the room. He tumbled over onto my bed feeling too dizzy to stand. I quickly toppled myself on him, pinning him to the bed. His small body shook as he chuckled under me. I loved pinning him down and just laying there, it's a great feeling. It's something I can do to get close to him and get away with it. He doesn't mind it either, in fact, I think he likes it.

That got me thinking, tonight I'm going to ask him... We'll see where it goes from there.

A loud growling sound pulled me from my thoughts. I looked down and saw a red-faced boy.

"You're hungry?" I asked, staring at his attractive face. He nodded shyly and I stood up before I lost control of myself, I was hungry too... but for him.

"I'll get us something to eat." I told him as I headed out the door.

Yibo's pov.
I almost swore as my stomach growled. It was such a perfect moment and my stomach had to go and ruin it. I wanted to lay like that a while longer but I was getting hungry, and my stomach made sure to tell every soul in the room, including the deceased.

A frown crossed my face when Zhan stepped out of the room, it wasn't even intentional, it just happened. While I waited for Zhan I figured it would be a good time to chat with Xichen if he was home. I made my way into the hall and studied the doors trying to figure out which one belonged to him. The one right besides Zhan's screamed Xichen. He had stuff hanging from it; clothes, pictures, posters, it was a range of items. I didn't know whether to knock or not since he can be a pretty guarded person, and I know how that is. After much hesitation, I finally built enough courage to knock. The first knock there wasn't an answer, I decided to try once more, then I got a response.

"Who is it?" I heard Xichen's voice ask behind the door.

"Uh, Yibo." I answered. There was a moment of silence then the door opened. revealing Xichen's room. He stood at the frame in blue shorts and a wife beater looking a little surprised.

"Come in, and shut the door behind you." He commanded as he walked over to his bed which was covered in blue sheets.

"So, what did you need me for?" He asked, hopping backward onto his bed with the wood squeaking.

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