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Their trip is coming to an end, but it will be the start of something greater.

Yibo's pov.

The sound of the growing rain woke Zhan and me up at the same time. I looked up to see him smiling down at me with his charming sleepy face.

"It's really pouring now." Zhan muttered, leaning up on the bed. Thankfully this time I hadn't clung to him. Though I practically melded to his side. I wasn't ready to get out of bed, Zhan noticed and poked my side. I curled up in self-defense but he continued to poke me, so I clocked him with his pillow. His reaction was enough reason for me to get out of bed. I quickly distanced myself from him,
knowing what he had in store.

"Here we go again." Zhan sighed with a devious smirk.

"N-No I didn't mean to." I waved my hands, prepared to make a run for it. He slowly stood from the bed, making me nervous. I decided to take off before he made the first move. I ran out of the
bedroom and ignored Zhan's calls. I practically trapped myself by entering the kitchen. It was small and the exit wasn't that big, not for Zhan at least, so he could easily catch me. His look grew more
devious when he saw that I was trapped in the kitchen. He slowly approached me, making sure I wouldn't run off again. My only option was to get over the table. After a moment of hesitation, that's what I did, I jumped onto a chair and hopped onto the table. I quickly slid off and ran back to the bedroom before Zhan could reach me.

I darted to the end of the room, so if he caught me I'd have two ways to escape. He stood at the door frame still with that devious look on his face. He slowly began approaching so I readied myself to make a break for it. I was already getting exhausted from laughing the whole time. He didn't even touch me yet and I am almost laughing in tears. He suddenly lunged forward at me. I took a sharp left and ran across my bed, making my way to the exit. When I got to the hall I realized I had no
plan for where I'd go next. Zhan was right on my tail so I had very little time to decide. My only "logical" option would be to run outside, even though it was still pouring. So that's what I did. I darted for the door on my right and charged outside.

The deck had a cover over it so I didn't get wet immediately. It was only when I ran down the small set of stairs that I started getting drenched. The drops were so large it barely took any time for our clothes to get soaked. I hadn't put my shoes on before leaving the cabin so my socks are also wet. I was suddenly regretting my decision.

Like usual I got tired and Zhan caught up with me. He tackled me to the rain-drenched grass. It wasn't like our clothes could get any wetter though. He pinned me under him and tickled me senseless. I
pleaded but he ignored my surrender. I felt so weak and helpless as he drained the little energy I had left. Laughter escaped me the whole time. Zhan was also laughing. His laugh was the best I'd ever heard. It wasn't loud or rough, it was more like a deep chuckle. It suited his handsome appearance perfectly. After he finished tickling the soul out of my body I laid exhausted in the wet grass. I didn't have enough energy to stand. Luckily he extended a hand. I gratefully accepted it and was pulled to my feet. He held my shoulder, supporting me as we headed back to the cabin.

"I win, again." Zhan spoke, grinning smugly as we entered the bedroom. I pouted at him but couldn't hold back a smile.

"Of course I lost." I retorted, accepting defeat. I could never win against him. He's superior in every way.

"We'd better get these soaked clothes off before we catch a cold." Zhan suggested. I nodded and got out a change of clothes. When I turned around Zhan had already begun to undress. I was shocked because I had expected him to change in the bathroom. I stood there and watched like a deer in the headlights. I couldn't avert my gaze. He peeled the wet shirt off his toned body and lifted it over his head. The rain slightly altered his appearance, wetting his hair. He still looked very handsome, if not more so than before. He did a slight hair flip, shaking the water out. Suddenly he looked over at me with a look of curiosity.

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