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Yibo's Pov.

A couple days passed and I decided it was
finally time to return to school. Jia is very passionate that I get my education, so I felt like it was for the best. No one at school knew I tried taking my life, and I prefer it that way, it would keep things simple.

The first day I returned everyone's eyes landed on me, or what seemed like everyone's eyes anyway. They knew they'd done me wrong. They didn't even try to understand where I was coming from when they trampled over me. They got the drama they wanted and now they feel guilty.

I dropped the subject from my head. I didn't want to get caught up on something that could pick at my brain for who knows how long. During the first period, my teachers welcomed me back from my break and hoped I was feeling better, which I was honestly surprised by. They never really seemed to pay attention to their students.

The homework Zhan brought home for me
Every day kept me busy for a while but he and Xichen would always come over and help, despite them being in different grades. When we weren't playing games or watching movies we would be finishing our homework, and all of them were equally fun. I don't know if I'd be as comfortable around Zhan as I would be without Xichen around. I'd feel awkward with it being just the two of us. Despite forgiving him for turning on me I still wasn't fully over it yet.

I want to forget about it but part of me just won't let it go. I'm sure it would be the same for most people in my position, but I did want to move on. I can see that he's doing his best to make up for it. He takes it upon himself to make breakfast for me whenever Jia doesn't get around to it, heck he even offers to make breakfast in her place just so he can cook for me. It makes me very happy.

To my surprise, I decided to go to the cafeteria for lunch. I'd been planning on passing it up for the whole day. Zhan's eyes landed on me as I entered the cafeteria, with "his friends" eyes following soon behind. They sat there silently, their mouth parted as if they wanted to speak but had no words. Zhan patted the seat next to him with a warm smile as he waited patiently for me to come over. I hesitantly trudged over, feeling the weight of a two-ton boulder dragging behind me. I took a seat beside Zhan not uttering a word, and neither did they. While the rest of the room was much abuzz the area around this table was dead silent.

It was a while before anyone spoke, but it was Yubin who finally did break the silence. "Yibo, I'm... We're sorry for not believing you." He tried. I didn't respond.

"I know you must be upset with us but we're truly sorry. Me in particular. The way I threatened you wasn't acceptable. Ji Li apologized.

"Look, I want to forgive you guys... but something like this won't just wash over. I
can't go on pretending like nothing ever happened. This whole situation is far more
complicated than you know." My words came out sounding as cold as ice, but it was all true. I could see Zhan react to my words but couldn't read his expression.

"Yeah... I understand. I don't know if you'll ever forgive us for the way we acted, but we hope you'll eventually give us a chance." Yubin responded quietly.

We continued eating our lunch with small talk being thrown in every once in a while. It wasn't as bad as I expected it to be, but it was still a challenge placing myself in front of them after everything.

On my way out of the cafeteria, I saw Cindy sitting at a table, alone in the corner. After everything she'd done to me I wanted to go over and call her every name in the book, but that wasn't the kind of person I was, or wanted to be. Instead, I approached her with a question I was hoping she'd have an answer to.

"Why?" I asked. She slowly looked up to me revealing her bruised face. It was desperately covered with eye shadow and foundation. I knew about this all too well, as it was something I had to do every week.

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