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Song: Oh Wonder - Livewire (Don't play the song until it says so in the story for the added effect)

Yibo's Pov.

When I'd gotten back to my house my father was knocked out from overdrinking. He does that occasionally. Why do I have to be the one with the cliché story; The drunken abusive father, and myself as a timid loser, who's fallen for a hunk on the football team. Yet my life was so much more complex than that. I would love to have a life that is simple in trade for this complex, messed-up excuse of one. Anyway, back on topic, I used my fathers
unconsciousness to successfully sneak up to my room.

Zhan's Pov.

I was surprised when I found out that Yibo and Cindy were going to hang out in town today. I would've loved to go but I had football practice today, plus I would probably just end up being the third wheel anyway. Yibo might want to be alone with Cindy too now that I think about it. Could he have a crush on her? I couldn't help but feel jealous. Sigh, why am I even thinking about this anyway? It was an unexpected turn of events since Cindy hadn't said much to Yibo yesterday.

Even after shutting down my earlier thoughts I couldn't help but feel the loneliness churning in the pits of my stomach. It felt as if something was missing every time I was away from Yibo. Why does he affect me the way he does? I really don't understand it. That reminded me, my parents want to meet him. I would never bring him here to meet my parents unless it gave me the excuse of hanging out with him. So during school, I'll invite him over.

"Mom, I'm going to invite my friend over tomorrow, is that alright?" I asked, not caring for her answer as I head down the stairs, I would've invited him

"That would be wonderful, sweetie!" She yelled from the kitchen in response. I guess she was still looking forward to meeting him. As I entered the kitchen I noticed my mom finished dinner so I grabbed a plate and headed back to my room. We don't usually eat together, well I mean my parents do but me, my brother, and my sister doesn't unless it's a special occasion.

I scrolled through my phone checking for any notifications and searching the web. I eventually got up to brush my teeth and went to bed.

When I got to school the next day I made sure to ask Yibo if he wanted to come over.

"Yo,Yibo!" I yelled across the hall. He looked around trying to spot the source of my voice. He spotted me standing at the end of the hall and grew a quick smile.

"Are you free tonight?" I asked as I made my way to him.

"Uh. " He took a moment to think. "No, I'm free." He announced, giving me a curious look.

"Wanna come over to my house later today? My parents want to meet you." I asked hopefully. His mouth widened with surprise and he nodded. I mentally fist-pumped. I just wanted to hang out with him... alone. It always puts me in a great mood, of course, he seems to enjoy my company as well, at least I hope that's the case.

Soon enough I was bombarded with the presence of my friends. They clung to me like ornaments on a Christmas tree throughout the rest of school. Cindy however was spending most of her time
hanging around Yibo. I guess she took a liking to him.

A few classes went by and it was now lunch.

"Yibo, are we hanging out today?" She asked him as she ate her meal.

"Uh I'm going over to Zhan's later." He announced. Cindy's head immediately shot towards him, staring with an unreadable expression, then to me.

"Great, we can all go!" She suddenly proposed, with others ferociously agreeing with her. Yeah like hell they will.

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