Day 28 - Harvest

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[ᒷリ↸!¡ꖎᔑ⊣⚍ᒷ's POV]

I smile as the small crystals in my hand glow, the perfect little weapons  to speed up the process.

These will fix the 'special case' problems. The End Crystal shards will grow too fast for the infected to know what's going on before it's too late. They'll join the rest of the infected perfectly fine.

The day approaches. The day where I'll finally have enough power to open the rift and I leave my little project. Finally, these worlds will know true fear, and I will have my revenge.

The crystals grow in my hand, already raring to infect and spread. I chuckle as I walk off and go to set these new additions inside the unknowing victims.

It's time to create some true horrors.

Crystal Horrors: Stories from Before the Rift | Stevetober PromptsWhere stories live. Discover now