Day 22 - Treasure

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Okay this one is a bit longer than the previous ones bc it's main lore rather than background lore-


[Emerald Steve's POV, a very long time ago]

Diamond and I watch him play with the village children, discussing how we're going to go about this.

At first, Diamond was furious at me for hiding a Red Steve child from everyone for so long. However, once I explained the situation, he was more understanding. He was also surprised I faced the Blue Elders once again for this kid... I'm just surprised I'm the only one that calls them out.

"It seems he's integrating well with everyone else, already." Diamond says as we watch Red interact with the other children. Red has been hanging out with them for about a week now, it's good he's making friends. "I'm... actually kind of astonished that this Red Steve child is almost nothing like the rest of his people."

"As I am, as well." I reply, smiling. "Most of them can't even read, but get this; Yesterday, he successfully brewed a Healing Potion! On his third try!"

"Really? Third try?" Diamond says. "It takes most Chromatics of any color at least a year before they can get potions right... I wonder how he became like this."

"I wonder too, but I believe it's more important to focus on what he can do than how he can do it." I say. "It's like a budding flower; Don't pull it apart just to see what's going on before it can even bloom."

"You and your sayings, Emerald." Diamond chuckles.

"What can I say, I'm good at coming up with them." I smile at my friend.

We stay silent for a moment, watching Red Steve play with the village children. They're playing tag, running around and occasionally yelling happily in triumphant attempts at passing the role of 'it'. Red looks so excited, as if he's having the time of his life...

"They've started calling him 'Ruby', you know." Diamond says, breaking the silence.


"The village children." Diamond continues. "They've started calling your little friend Ruby. Said they wanted to help him fit in better with the Ore Steves."

"I believe I've heard him talking about that..." I say, remembering how I overheard his conversation with himself the previous night while I worked on my projects. "He was saying to himself that he thought it sounded cool, even if he didn't know what a ruby is."

"Well, maybe you should ask him about it later." Diamond says. "Maybe a fresh start deems a new name as well."

I think for a moment, about this new name for Red Steve.

Heh, 'Ruby'... a perfect name for a little treasure like him.

"By the way, you talk about him like a proud father." Diamond teases me with a smug grin on his face.

"Pffft- I do not." I quickly say. "I just care for him and his progress, is all."

"Suuure, keep telling yourself that." Diamond says.

We return to watching the kids play, making sure they're not getting into trouble. For a second, Ruby looks up at me and smiles.

...It was nice.

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