chapter 43

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Mbali's POV

To say I'm happy would be an understatement I'm literally over the moon it's been 2 weeks since me and themba have been vibing I wanted to lose my virginity but he said just not now

I can't believe I was about to lose my virginity to my kidnapper we still haven't placed any title to this thing we basically dating but not exactly dating that's exactly how it feels

I pack the dishes and place them neatly on the sink just to wash them I was just trying to make breakfast well themba is still upstairs in his room

Just as I start washing the dishes a figure snakes their arms around me and I turn around only to be met by that smug and beauty smile I truly was blessed mina God gave me a hot kidnapper


I raise my neck to give him more space he kisses my neck and turns me around

Themba:"good morning"

Me:"how are you ?"

Themba:"I'm happy and it's all thanks to you mbali"

These days I honestly find must missing my friends a lot I miss those bitches they are all dating manje worse in the same and I just had to be the lost sheep but then they had plans of hooking me up with their themba

I laugh at the thought this handsome jerk being the themba they are referring to it's just couldn't be

I pull him to a passionate kiss regardless of everything happening I don't want this to be over anytime soon being in his arms is my new favourite place and thing to do

Themba is nothing like what he portrays himself to be with me I can proudly say we re goofy we we are fun I have always wanted somebody I can fool around with  but it also can't be themba he killed Andile and my brother is doing physio it's because of him

I snap out of it and pull out of the kiss he looks at me with worried eyes

Themba:"what's the matter ?"

Me:"nothing let's just eat breakfast"

I kinda believe him when he says I'm here because he's protecting me I'm quite sure now that if he wanted to kill me he would have done that a long time ago but we just cant be together but I'm the little time we have spent together he's araised something in me

He dishes the food out for us while I clean the kitchen and make some juice the breakfast goes well I love hearing him talk about his life mostly his mother it gives me joy since I don't have mines anymore

Zenande's POV

It's been two weeks since I have been staying with Nina and honestly that's my new life I just love her already
Well the girl nailed her court case opening on Monday

Sandiles case is officially on and I have been truly busy these days yeah me and nkosiyabo see each other him and Nina are like buddies and it also helps that Nina is about 8 years old so her and ndalo could get along

I have been a busy bee my next court case where I present my information is in a week they gave us three weeks to prepare and I have been using this time really wisely

I glance at my wrist watch it's already 15:00 time to fetch Nina at school ,nkosiyabo is gone for a business meeting to Russia and is only coming back a few days before my court case

I pack my things neatly from the desk and take my laptop bag and purse then head out
I wave goodbye at the receptionist and a few of my Colleagues passing by I ain't the boujee type

The parking lot is still full I guess people are working double shifts today or some have a lot of minor cases
I get into my BMW M4 and drive off to my babys school I really love being Nina's foster parent

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