chapter 42

119 17 4

Sanele's POV

I run my car into nkosiyabo's directly our cars are facing each other head on I first make it look like my car brakes are not working properly and tie my seatbelt

Luckily I'm not hurt the air bag helped did a number I have a scar on my forehead but it's worth it that was fun I wish I could d it again

I come out of the car to pretend like I'm checking my car I know the cameras are still working by now
Nkosiyabo is also not hurt this one is a real die he's a motherfuckin Pitbull he comes out of the car and pretends to be limping

I know that's a lie he is definitely not limping but just pretending
I take out my phone and call the boys luvuyo you know them the police

Well we bite each others head just for the camera and  sphesihle starts hooting like there's traffic that's a signal that the car is approaching

Manqoba looks out of his window and starts shouting

'yall are wasting our time we need to go home "

He also dramatically hoots his car I'm guessing he also got the signal they well a speeding police van comes to us luckily the car is still coming from the top bridge there's only about about 5 minutes before it arrives here

Luvuyo and bonga come out of the police van wearing police uniforms one would even say they are real police the uniform is looking prefect on them

Luvuyo:"gentleman what happened here ?"

Well I start narrating the story he has a notepad on his hand

Jordan comes out and starts pretending like he's giving the items assurance that they will go home and that there's been a minor accident

Bonga starts investigating my car checking the whole accident any brakes missing things like that well Chad Is still in the car

Nkosiyabo:"dude why the fuck couldn't you watch where you going ?"

Ohhh it's on that's a signal that the truck arrived I forgot to tell you we robbing a fidelity van

Well thando still hasn't come to the accident scene
The fidelity van comes and parks next to Manqoba 's car behind me

I look back and whisper switch and then it's lights off for the cameras
Well today its a white old man even better he's the one driving the truck his accomplice is a black dude

Chad step out of the vehicle and and heads to the truck he stands next to the drivers side and asks him to come out of the vehicle he is wearing a police uniform well they bit come out of the vehicle

Chad :"well sorry for the inconvenience you can head to back into the car "

He says that and injects him with a sleeping syndrome it only works for 5 minutes and then it's back to normal you only don't remember the things that happened five minutes ago and it works immediately after 30 seconds

Thando comes and parks behind the truck and leaves the shriek bomb it's not a loud one its only to open the metal door but not to break it he does this while Jordan and Chad are keeping the drivers busy

Jordan does the same to the accomplice well they both do it at the same time so they gain conscious at the same time
They get into the car and close the door and then it's lights out for the next five minutes thando presses the button and BOOM

The metal door opens theres about 20 bags we all take 2 bags each well we will just seperate the money at the ware house if possible

After we done thando closes the door again gently we only left with 2 minutes now
We get back to our initial position after leaving the bags in the boot

Sphe hoots the car as a way of signalling that the camera's are back online and the drivers get back up Jordan and Chad are still next to them hopefully they won't t suspect

It's like nothing happened at all they both wave at the drivers and let them through
I'm sure you probably wondering what happened because knowing the drivers they were going to check if the money was still there well we brought our own bags exactly like the ones they have we just simply traded bags with them Except the one we gave them had only printouts of R100 and R200 notes

When the truck was out of sight me and nkosiyabo poured petrol on the seats if the cars infact the whole car and threw 2 lighters and quickly drive off back to the warehouse

This by far the easiest heist we have done so far ......and again the boys are rich

Zenande's POV

Well it's been a week and indeed last week a social worker came to Inspect the house and see if it was proper for Nina can I just say I'm so excited

Well today , afternoon I have to go and fetch her we have been talking well she's a very clever kid ,outspoken and that's wha I love about her she was shy at first but by the end of the week she really opened up

Well her father's sister didn't want to give her to me ,by the looks of it she really didn't like nomzamo but then it's okay neh that's for us to find out in court

I still haven't told nkosi that ik going to be a foster parent to nina I'm scared of how he is going to react like it' basically means I'm going to be a mother and I would really appreciate it if we tried being parents

Sitting with Nina made me think about kids don't get me wrong I'm not ready to have kids but I 50% love kids the rest just shoveit down the drain cause wow

I'm sitting in the lounge watching movie it's a free day for me today
A peck on my lips pulls me out of my thoughts 💭


He pecks me again

Nkosiyabo:"why aren't you kissing me back ?"

He's frowning ...

Me:"hai phela you can't force me to kiss you back "

Nkosiyabo:"that's cold  and so unfair I swear I wasn't cheating it was just a friendly hug "

I laugh at him because I know he's making things up

Me:"I know you lying you slept with her ?"

Nkosiyabo:"ngeke zee I'm tired let's not play this game you look so deep in thought "

Me:"well I wanna be a foster parent "

Nkosi looks at me I'm guessing he's waiting for me to say I'm joking

Nkosiyabo:"ummmm....I'm speechless "

Me:"well I wanted to tell you it's already done Nina is coming this afternoon "

Nkosiyabo:"that's the child "

Me:"yeah she's one of my clients daughters "
Nkosiyabo:"ummm okay so what time are we fetching her ?"


Nkosiyabo:"yes we ,we me and you are in this together I'm gonna support you "


Nkosiyabo:"okay what time are we fetching her ?"

Me:"at about 15:00 in khayelitsha "

Nkosiyabo:"then that gives us time to cuddle a bit "

Me:"okay come closer now I want to kiss you "

Nkosiyabo:"and I don't anymore "

I laugh and get on top of him and snuggle in his arms

Me:"I love you "

Nkosiyabo:"and I love you too  babe ?"


Nkosiyabo:"my mom wants to meet you next month "


Sorry to cut it short ......


Thank you loves for reading I am truly one who sees it and thank you so much please do continue reading and voting too

Ohh and please read my second book if you loved this one you gonna fall in love with 'uthando lwabaphansi'

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