chapter 2 : high school

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By 07:00 we arrived at school since school starts at about 07:45 I travel with my best friend Ezenkosi thwala she is a very shy girl but once you get to know she is hella crazy

Eazy:"bestie "

Me:" lover "

Eazy:" my gawdd I missed you trouble maker "

Me:" slow down ...don't act like you don't want to miss me "

I did a dramatic pose infront of acting like I was affected by her words

Eazy :" you can be such a bummer when you like that do you know "

Me:" you do know that teasing me is not going to help you feel better about yourself nor about missing me? "

Eazy :" whatever zee how were the holidays ?"

Me:" they were alright I guess "

Eazy:" just alright !?"

Me:"yeah ...I guess let's get to class "

Our school is quite a distance from the entrance to the gate from the gate to the classes it's quite a long walk and our driver leaves us at the gate meaning we have to walk the long road we just kept catching up with my lover while we were walking to class we haven't know which classes we are in yet so we are going to find out during assembly since it is the first day.we arrived in class and we found my other two besties Andiswa and Phiwokuhle.Andiswa was the sassy one as usual she was a yellow bone with silky Medium hair while phiwokuhle was the clever but also rude one she just couldn't resist putting someone in their place .

We all screamed jumping up and down with our bags on our backs.eazy was the first one to talk

Eazy:" girls I sooooooo missed you I nearly died "

Me:" ave unamanga ke wena ezerh"

Well since her name is ezenkosi her nickname will be Eazy or ezerh one between the two but it's still the same person

Phiwokuhle:"guys is it wrong to say I didnt miss y'all one bit because I didn't trust me you I didn't ?"

Andiswa:" says the person that couldn't stop calling us "

Phiwokuhle:" don't flatter yourselves I as just doing that you ease my guilt nje kphela ".

Me:" aiii what ever you say come one I know you missed me come give me some sugar boo bear "

I kept wriggling her cheeks like a baby .she giggled like the kid that she is and pulled out of my affection

Phiwokuhle:" geez clingy much?"

Me :"I'm never touching you again uzobona "
We all just laughed at each other stupidness and decided to put our bags down in our old class and headed for assembly .phiwo stop behind while Eazy stood next to me holding my hand she has always been the affectionate one while andiswa was in frint of me whispering to her neighbour just another girl from class the assembly started

After 17 minutes of standing the assembly was finally over we had already been told our classes .Eazy was the only one in a different class than us the three of us were gonna be in the same class

Eazy :" at least we are going to be neighbours "

Phiwokuhle:" yes that's better I just wish we were all in different classes "

Me:" why?"

Andiswa:" I'm offended are we that boring?

Andiswa dramatically pulled a hurt expression.

Phiwokuhle:" Hau ngyadlala "

We all went to get our bags and headed to our new bags when we entered our new class Seeing all our new classmates me and andiswa just looked at each other in unison mainly because it was all our frenemies
The form teacher came to introduce herself to us as Mrs Dlamini she is cool but with a touch of strictness she told us she will be teaching us natural science .the first period started at about 08:45

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