chapter 12

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Nkosiyabo's POV

I turned around and saw the hurt in his eyes looked broken

Me:"that's not what I meant "

Thando:"then what is it that I don't deserve love don't think just because I didn't ask for an explanation that I don't want one I deserve an explanation "

Me:"you really wanna put yourself through that ?'

Thando:"it's not like anything is gonna change you kissed my girlfriend"

I just looked down clearly ashamed

Me:"look thando I'm sorry like really sorry I don't what to say it wasn't supposed to turn out like that "

Thando:"I was not supposed to find out?"

Me:"guys please can you give us some space "

They all just nodded and left us to talk

Me:"it happened once the day that I was high I kissed her only because she couldn't keep her distance I was not in my right mind yesterday I went to ask her not to tell zee then she kissed me "

Thando:"why are you bloody making it a fuss that she dosent find out you have never dated with her "

I kept quiet

Thando:"that's the thing you still don't wanna say it after what you did yesterday I don't think she's gonna look at you the same she would be really special if she sticks this one out "

Me:"I know that thando fuvcccvkkk I know that yesterday I cried "

Thando just laughed at me

Thando:"come on if you wanna lie tell me something I can believe "

Me:"I'm serious I literally cried for a girl but that's important I was just hurt"

Thando:"Can you just stop making her life hell you don't know how to love her it's either you tell her or leave her in peace I went to her yesterday and just a tip you broke she looks so broken "

Me:"I know I feel like shit ......maybe it's best I keep my distance"

Thando:"yah think?"

Sarcasm clearly painted in that question

Me:"I'm really sorry thando "

Thando:"it's okay I forgives I can't lose a friendship with you because if a girl who wasn't loyal nawe you still wrong njalo in exchange I want you to buy me the new Nike air jordan"

Me:"come on thando you got like. 15 of them how many more do you want ngeke?"

Thando:"ohh so you counting my collection?"

I just chuckled at this guy he really is obsessed with the Nike air Jordans we talked for a while till the guys came back when they saw us bro hug

Zweli let out a relieved sigh

Zweli:"oh my god I thought the group was splitting "

Me:"usss never we bros for life "

All of us :"we ride and die for each other "

Thando:"this better not happen again next time ngizokudubula"

Me:"uzobe umthanda ngempela Bo lowo"

They all laughed

Themba:"mane niyeke ukujola"

Manqoba:"that's a great idea "

We all turned and saw manqoba we fist bumped with him clearly happy that he is back he had been suspended

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