Fairy Tale

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Fairy tale
Magic was talking with ash and touched the subject of remembering a old story about a boy with a flower crown and his wolf friend. Ash knows that a little soldier remembers the story.

(The story is actually the story of a god like creature that I made for my rpg, I master a rpg, so It is not strange that none never heard of it)
The wolf is referred with they/them

None's POV:

Magic was in the maze talking with Ash in their little place

"Oh! I remember an story now! Like, a fairy tale" Magic exclaims
"Oh? Tell me more" Ash says (I am not sure if I should say "says" but lets pretend)
"It was like, a boy that met a wolf, I think? I don't remember exactly, and then they .... they.... " Magic stops, trying to remember "ugh, I can't remember anymore..." Magic sights.
"Would you like to hear it again?" Asks ash
"You know it?! Yes please!" Magic says happily
"I don't know it..." Magic gives a sad look and ash continues "But your friend, Owen, knows it"
"Wait really?!" Ash nods
"Bye ash! See you later!" Magic then starts to run back only to see a owen getting ready to go in with greacie to look for magic

"Magic! You are back! Thanks god you aren't hurt!" Greacie says
"You should warn someone next time! Everyone was getting worried" Owen scolds
"With one condition!" Magic says
"What condition?" Greacie asks
"That the old man tells on the campfire the fairy tale boy and the wolf!"
"I don't know that tale" owen says, but it was clear he was nervous
"I know you do!" Magic screams
"How?!" Owen asks angry
"Ash told me!"
"So they even know our memories uh?" Owen mumbles
"So you know it!"
"Alright, I will tell you the fairy tale, but then you can't go without warning someone. Deal?"
"Wait" Greacie says and goes to magics hear, whispering something
"Good Idea! You have to tell it on the campfire with everyone" magic says
"Really greacie?!"
"Sorry owen, but everyone seems so scared and stressed, that could help"
"Alright, meet me on the campfire by the sunset"
"Yayyyyyyy!" Magic scream running of to warn the others

Later that day

Owen was waiting at the campfire just like he had promised, he saw magic start to get close with rasby, anygel, krow, beks and soup
The others where gathering around as well

"Camon guys!" Magic says
"You still did not tell us why we are here" says rasby
"I convinced owen to tell a story at the campfire!"
"So we came here to hear a story? Magic we are not kids" says krow
"Well we could all get some rest today, so why not hear a fairy tale?" Greacie says
"Hey, everyone, sit down! Let's just end this once and for all alright?" Owen says
Everyone starts to sit down

"I shall now reveal a tale,
one that for centuries was told,
yet one that was been forgotten,
by those who said it was true....
The tale of the boy crowned with flowers
And the wolf that laid in blood
The kingdom that is now fallen
The one story that said the true"

Owen starts, gaining everyone's interest on it.

"Once upon a time, in the west of a distant kingdom, a child lived with his parents, the kingdom was ruled by a king, the king did not have mercy, selfish till no end, killed all the flowers that where more pretty than him.
The child loved flowers, but on his kingdom there wasn't one
The true wish of said child was to be on a place where the dandelions grow and white roses announce peace."

While owen said that, they could see some flowers behind him, roses and dandelions.
None there actually knew if it was owen that put them, if they grew now or where there before.

"But on another place, a cub of a wolf trailed through fields of blood, as it was nothing.
Forced to fight as a soldier since the childhood
Living on the kingdom commanded by canines, a queen that wanted to see blood, living in a bright desert.
The dream of the cub was to see the moon rise over the water, on a grass land."

As owen said that the sun starts setting, moon rising behind him

"Even thought raised different, both would meet on the same place, a war of chaos originated by a selfish king.
The wolf, a fighter, would kill anyone in the way.
The boy, a victim, not trained and not ready to fight, yet pulled on the front line.
The start of their story together, yet one bad"

The moon slowly rising

"317 days on a what it seemed to be a never ending war.
The wolf tired of fighting
The boy scared and crying
Yet their fates where soon to be met, as the boy went to look on the field, for something that none knew.
As the boy runned, he found a injured creature, a wolf under rocks...
And on a red moon like this, the boy spoke to the wolf"

The moon fully raised, red.

" "are you okay?" Asks the boy
  The wolf does not respond
  "Sorry, that w-was stupid, h-here! Let me help!" Said the boy, getting the rocks out of the wolfs body.
  "don't touch me..." the wolf said
   " what was that?" The boy asks, yet starting to get closer to the wolfs hurt leg
  "DON'T TOUCH ME YOU HUMAN SCUM!" The wolf scream, trying to bite the boy, the boy backs of immediately
  "Soldiers are going to come back for me and kill you!"
Yet the boy knew one thing, no one was coming for the wolf, he saw that happening before, no one was coming.
The boy did not want to let the wolf alone
The boy took off his jacket and put it on the wolf's head, to stop them from biting.
Of course the wolf just continued screaming and trying to bite to no use.
The boy tried his best to help the wolf move again, and so 17 days passed.
The wolf gained respect for the boy and even shared their stories with each other.
The wolf regained their leg movement in no time, the boy proud.
None knew what happened next, but the selfish rained kingdom lost, and most of the soldiers where then traped on the canine kingdom.
The boy did not lack visits of the wolf through the small window he had, and the wolf would constantly give him some more food and even a flower crown that laid on his hair, in return for the favor in the war.
The wolf had the respect of the kingdom, having a contract with the queen.
“Never hurt the boy with the flower crown”
So no one did, but drunk soldiers always ruin things
When the news came to the wolf that someone had hurt his friend, they could not be restrain.
A genocide happened, all the soldiers on the canine castle dead, right and left.
A wolf covered in blood carried and unconscious boy out of the kingdom.
Soon they found a place in the north, full of flowers and with a big ocean, a small village welcomed and helped the two ex-soldiers.
They created their own kingdom, yet not everything is happy…”

Owen says, giving a big sight, some kind of particles start to show around and behind him

“The boy started to fall sick, yet again, none knew why…
Everyone in the new kingdom tried to help, no luck…
The boy sat by the rocks under a cave, next to the ocean, the wolf came and laid down next to the boy.
“What do all stories have in common, dear wolf?” the boy asks
“They end.” replys the wolf
“Human, tell me a story.” asks the wolf
“There was once a man who was very lonely.” the boy starts
“Why was it lonely?”
“All things must meet this man, so they shunned him.”
“Did he chase them all?”
“He took an axe and split himself in two. Right down the middle.”
“So he would always have a friend?”
“So he would always have a friend.”
“I see water!”
“They are called tears.”
“Is this what it feels like to end?”
“No, for this is not your end.”
“Will you come back?”
“I am not sure, but I will wait for you....In our next life…””

At that point everyone had tears in the eyes
Yet Owen continued…

““We never said our names, did we?” asks the boy
“No” replies the wolf
“My name is Aled”
“So humans have good taste in names…My name is River…”
“Good night, River…”
“Rest well, Aled…”
And so, the last words were said, the boy took a deep breath, and sleeped, never to be awake again.
Says the legend that Aled and River never reincarnated, but yet are together, roaming around as friends, taking care of the last remains of the people from their kingdom… The kingdom of…”

Before Owen could finish, two figures appeared behind him, a boy with a flower crown and a big wolf.

“Terranevo” says the boy

If you have more ideas for either continue this one or other ones I would love to hear!
But I wont do puddy killing or lemon.
Remenber that I watched only Owens pov

Just saying that I do not know how to continue this one and that I changed some things from the actual sotry to fit the outsiders things and to not be so boring

In other universe maybe we can be happy... - Outsiders SMP one-shotWhere stories live. Discover now