I just look at his body and nod

"I'll get the water running upstairs" he says going upstairs making sure he's covered

I take the blanket from last night and stand up. I take a step shit that feels uncomfortable.
Why the hell dose it hurt to walk?

I go upstairs and hear the shower "Chris?" I call out his name as I walk into his bedroom and see steam coming out of the bathroom.
I walk in and don't see anything so I take my towel of and get in the shower.
As I start washing my body I feel hands on my ass, I turn around and look at Chris

"What are you doing here?" He asks me

"Don't want to waste the water" I say

"Good" he smiles.


We didn't take long in the shower 10 minutes tops.

"Where are our clothes?" I ask Chris

"Fuck" he looks at me

"We forget them at my apartment, right?" I say as Chris nods.

"Okay I'll just go and get the clothes" Chris says

God. This is not going as planned" I sit on the bed. I just know this is going to be a long and a terrible day.

"Relax we have an hour and 40 minutes. I'll take my bike and get are clothes. Everything is going to be okay" Chris sits next to me  as he assures me

I look at him and kiss him. As soon as I close my eyes I get flash backs from last night. Some good shit happened.

"Okay we have no time to waste" he gets up and walks out the room.
"Oh and my hair dresser will be here any moment" Chris tells me as he leaves.

No that Chris is gone I make my way down stairs and feed dodger then dry may hair. As soon as I finish I hear the bell ring.

Oh the hairdresser.

I open the door.

"Hi I'm-" he cuts me off

"Oh dear now I see what Chris meant by emergency" he looks at my hair "oh good"
"Don't worry I'll fix it in no time" he makes his way into the house.

"Oh no there must be a misunderstanding, your doing Chris hair not mine"

"Believe me I'm doing you a favour" he grabs my hand and takes me to the bathroom.

He start cutting my ends

"I'm Luke" he says

"Y/n" I say

"Okay so what doing your makeup?" Luke asks

"Well I was suppose to get it done but kind of missed my appointment... soo I'll be doing it"

"Dear god. If your hair is like this I can right imagine what your makeup will look like" he says

"Excuse Me" I say

"Oh honey just let me help you" Luke says

I give up. He can do what ever he wants.

I tell look about my dress and the look and he decided to but my hair in a slick bun. And do a natural makeup with a bright lipstick.

Before I know it my hair and makeup is done.
Damn I look good.
32 mini until the wedding.

Chris arrives. Perfect timing.

Luke gets my dress and tells me to put it on while he dose some touchups to Chris hair and beard.

I put on the dress needing help with the zipper.
I walk over to where Chris is.

He doesn't see me at first but then i say "can you help me?" Chris looks at me.

His eyes look me up and down as I see a smile on his face. I see Luke behind Chris giving me thumbs up.

"Wow you-" he stops talking "how?" He kisses me "you look beautiful" he says

"Thanks" I say as I turn around so he can zip up my dress.


Getting closer to the wedding!!

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