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As soon as consciousness hits me, I want to be unconscious again. My head is pounding, not letting me open my eyes. I groan audibly, feeling my stomach churn. This isn't new, but it sucks every time.

"Morning," Chan whispers, patting my shoulder. "There's water and medicine on your bedside table. There's some for Jisung and Seung too. I'll be in the kitchen if you need me. Oh, there's a trash can too, but please try to make it to the bathroom."

The moment the trash is brought up, vomit splashes at the back of my throat. I sit up, ignoring the splitting pain at my temple, and sprint to the bathroom. Chan follows me hurriedly, his caregiver instincts kicking in.

"Damn, I thought you got it out last night."

"Please, never let me do that again," I cough, puking more in the toilet. I cringe at the wet sounds it makes.

"You said that last time too."

"And you didn't listen."

"You knew this was going to happen," he laughs, trying his best to stay quiet. Sound is always ten times worse during a hangover.

"Mm, hyung?" Seungmin stumbles in, holding his head.

Chan stands from his kneeling position, checking on the other. "What's wrong? You need to throw up?"

"No, my head hurts."

"Min, I'll be right back. C'mon Seung."

I give a weak thumbs up, resting my head on my arm. This could've been worse, but at least I can think straight. Somewhat.

Chan comes back alone. He hands me medicine and water. "He's trying to sleep again. You think you're gonna go back to bed?"

"No," I huff, flushing the toilet. "I'll come in the kitchen with you. I'm kind of hungry."

He helps me up, setting my woozy body in a kitchen chair. The smell of eggs erupts, along with some kind of meat. I'm too out of it to really pay attention.

"What happened last night?"

"The usual. You and Jisung getting riled up and stumbling all over. You threw up on the bathroom floor at the bar. He threw up in the grass and you almost fell in the street. You also started sobbing again about how much you love us and shit."

I chuckle tiredly. "Every time with no hesitation. What else happened after?"

"When I was trying to get you to go to bed, you started crying again about missing Changbin. Kept saying how he was so warm and fluffy."

The smile drops from my face. My cheeks grow warm as embarrassment takes over. Gosh, they know I like him, but I didn't want them to know how much.

Chan laughs at my reaction, turning off the stove. "It's alright. It's sweet how much you care for him. I didn't think cold stone Minho could ever get so soft for someone."

"Aish, shut up and feed me. This headache won't go away on an empty stomach."

"There he is."


"Hey, how was the party?" Changbin smiles when I open the door.

Instead of going out to our bench like usual, I invited him over since I still wasn't on top of my game. The others left a few hours ago, with Chan having to carry Jisung on his back. That kid never knows when to stop drinking.

"It was good. I don't remember much."

He laughs, sitting comfortably on my couch. "You got wasted wasted?"

"Yes, but Jisung came with me," I giggle. "We were both apparently super fucked up. He threw up in the grass and I cried a few times."

He laughs harder. "Wow, you weren't kidding when you said you're an emotional drunk. Did Chan drag you guys back here or what?"

"Him and Seungmin, yeah. Seung was still tipsy and stuff, but he was able to help Chan. It was an entire mess, but it was a great night."

"I'm happy your birthday was great. Now time for my birthday gift," he grins, winking at me.

I fluster immediately, searching for words. What does he mean? What's he going to do? Is he going to do it? No, no, you're thinking ahead. What's he going to do? Wait, where did he get that bag from?

"I got you this for your birthday. It's nothing special," he shyly admits, handing me a black bag with glitter dusting the outside.

"Bin, you really didn't have to do this," I pout, conflicted about the gift. He already got me a gift and now he's giving me another. Spending so much time and money on me. Ugh.

"I know, but I wanted to. Open it."

I sigh, setting it in my lap. I take out the paper inside, spotting quite a large box. Tilting my head in confusion, I open it. There sits a black beanie and matching elegant gloves.

"I thought you could use them since you're always cold. I figured a coat and scarf could only do so much to protect you."

I laugh, taking them out and putting them on. "They're so nice. Thank you. I... really appreciate this." I turn to him, seeing his red cheeks. Shaking the teasing thought out of my head, I hug him, letting his warmth boil me.

"Do you actually like them? I can take them back or get you a different color-"

"I love them. They're perfect. Next time we go out, I'm going to wear all of it together."

"Good, that's what they're for. Now, you up for a movie? I brought snacks."

"Where the fuck are you hiding this shit?" I giggle, putting the gloves and hat back into the bag.

"I literally have two bags with me. You really did get fucked up last night if you didn't notice me carrying this stuff inside."

"I did get really fucked up, I won't lie."

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