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My hair blows harshly to one side of my head. I squint through the dim lights, curled in on myself as I walked. Maybe he was right. It's really cold out. I didn't think the wind would get so bad, but I should've expected it.

My nose is running by the time I get to the complex. I hurry and unlock my door, getting inside already feeling the warmth seep into my bones. Finally.

"Sweethearts, I'm home," I call out softly, taking off my jacket and shoes.

Dori comes to my feet, weaving in between my legs. I reach down to pet him, hearing his soft meow. A light tickle reaches my nose, making me force my attention away from him.

I sneeze into my arm, drowsiness overcoming me. Yeah, I need to get to bed. I cannot catch a cold. Those little ones need me tomorrow.

Seo Changbin 🗿

i'm home

glad ur not dead

night :)


"Hey Matt, I can't come in today. I got a really bad cold, and I don't want to get the kids sick." My voice was already nasally, and I had barely
woken up.

"All good, dude. I'll tell Peem. Feel better!"

"Thanks. See you."

I groan into my pillow, my eyes filling with non-emotional tears. The light outside was just bright. I grab my phone again, deleting WORK from the shared calendar. I'm sure one of the three will call later and ask why.

"Soonie, baby," I call, clicking my tongue to get him to come over. I want cuddles, that's all.

I hear a soft meow before seeing his tail at the end of my bed. He walks around until finally jumping up. "Hi, baby. Guess who is an idiot and got sick? Your daddy. That's who."

My head falls back against the pillow, the world spinning as I lay still. This sucks. My bones are killing me, but my stomach is growling. Fuck.

Before I can even think about sitting up again, my phone begins to ring. Oh, please, tell me it's one of them.


"Damn, you sound like shit."

"Fuck off, Sung," I growl, sighing loudly. "What's up?"

"On my way to the studio and saw your schedule change. What's up with you?"

"Got sick. Called in."

"How the fuck did you get sick?"

"I went for a walk last night."

"And you still haven't gotten the proper winter or fall outfit? Fuck, Minho. You need to get on that. You are going to end up getting something worse than just a cold or fever."

"Yeah, yeah. I will." I won't. "Are you meeting up with Jamie right now?"

"No, actually. Felix. He wanted to see me work, so I invited him. We're supposed to meet at his café first because he worked third shift."

"Oh, that's nice. He just going to sleep on the couch at the studio?"

"Maybe. I hope so. He's always tired whenever he works then. Do you need anything? I can bring over some tea and soup for you."

"It's okay. I don't want to disturb your date."

"Don't be like that. I'll be over in twenty. I still have my key, so don't freak out and throw Dori at me."

I chuckle before coughing harshly. It takes me a good twenty seconds to catch my breath. "Augh, fuck. I'll see you later then."

"Poor dude. See you soon."


"Minho! I'm here. Felix, too!"

I whine, rubbing my eyes. First time meeting his love interest and I'm shitty. Shitty looking, shitty feeling. This couldn't get worse.

I stand, opening my bedroom door. Jisung had been making his way down the hall.

"Hey, hey. Get back in your bed, demon. I'll come to you. Go, go." He shoos, frowning at my wobbly state. I turn back around, sitting on my bed once again. "Lixie, can you bring the water? I forgot it on the counter."

"Oh, god..." I put my head in my hands, a headache throbbing at my temples.

"Seriously hyung, you need to start taking care of yourself. What made you do this? Did you see Changbin again? If you did, I might need to talk to him about you guys going out all the time in this weather."

"Don't worry about it, Han."

Felix then walks in, surprising me. He is way cuter than Jisung said. The freckles were incredibly prominent on his face. He smiles at me, it reaching his eyes instantly.

"Hi, I'm Felix. Here's the water."

"Thanks," I fluster. I can't believe I'm meeting him and I look gross. I want to hate Ji for this, but it's my fault. "I'm Minho, as you probably know. Thanks for letting me steal Jisung for a few."

"Of course. I wouldn't want to leave my friend alone while he's sick either."

"Are you going to be okay later? I can come back with more soup."

"It's okay, really. I'll rest for a few hours and I'm sure I'll be back on my feet."

"Okay. Text me if you need anything. I mean it." He leans forward, hugging me tightly. It was nice. His hugs were always nice.

"I will. Thank you a lot."

"I'll lock the door on my way out. Feel better," he smiles, closing my door as he leaves.

Alone again, naturally. I actually didn't mind it that much. I grab my tv remote, flicking through Netflix. A random tv show to watch and then back to bed. Sounds like a good day.


Seo Changbin 🗿

hey, wanna meet up
around 8?



And the day is already getting better. Let's eat this soup fast so I can start healing my brain. I want to be somewhat better when I see him.

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