519 31 8

Seo Changbin 🗿

i see u


I look around the café. Seungmin was grabbing his food. A couple was sitting on the other side. Some guy was writing on his laptop.


i'm outside lol

that's creepy
i hope you know that

i do. every time
i greet u, it
always comes out

are you gonna come
inside and say hi? or
stand out there like
a creep

i don't want to
disturb u and
ur friends. i just
saw u and thought
i'd be creepy

smh just come inside


"What are you smiling about?" Jisung questions, poking my shoulders.

"What? I'm not."

My two friends deadpan me. I shrug, "meme."

As Seungmin sits down, the cafe door rings again. I look up, my heart jumping to my throat. There he is.

He was wearing a black, sleeveless shirt and... wow. I could see something poking out from his chest. It looked to be a tattoo. Though, I couldn't stare any longer because he was coming this way.

I stand, my friends darting their heads to me. Crossing my arms, I grin at him. He winks. My ears burn. "Seo Changbin."

"Lee Minho. Funny meeting you here."

"It would be funny if you weren't being a creep," I throw back, chuckling softly.

"Min, who's this?" Jisung tugs on my arm.

"Guys, this is Changbin. He's the guy I met last night. This is Jisung, Ch-"

"Chan and Seungmin. I've met them before."

I stare at him before looking to my friends for answers. How could they know him?

"Yeah, he's the guy who came to my gym."

"He's friends with Hyunjin."

Either this is really creepy or a huge coincidence. I felt more creeped out though. Why did he suddenly decide to change gyms and incidentally meet Chan? How long has he been friends with Hyunjin?

"Seo Changbin, you are really starting to creep me out."

"Sorry," he laughs. "My gym is getting shut down and Hyunjin has been one of my best friends since grade school. It's a small world."

"Too small," I playfully glare. "Anyway, did you want to join us? Maybe not act like a stalker as you have been."

"No, I actually have an appointment I should be getting to. I just wanted to stop by and say hello. I should get going now. It was nice seeing you again, especially in a lighter setting."

"You too."

I sit back down as he leaves.

"That was the guy you met? Dude, he's hot." Chan cackles, covering his mouth. "Why did you keep calling him a creep? I thought he was really nice."

"Oh, it's just a joke. When we first met, he said a few things that were creepy. It does sound stalker-ish to also find out that he knows my friends and he just happened to see us hanging out."

"Can't argue with that. Trust me, though, he's a big softie. Hyunjin always has him around when he's having a hard time. He's a great friend. Really thoughtful and wise."

"Wise? You make him sound older than he is. I'm glad you know him. The creep idea was starting to get to me."

"He's bad with words sometimes."

"He seems nice," Jisung adds. "His tattoo looked cool, but I couldn't see the entire thing."

"Yeah, one of his coworkers did it for him a few months ago."

I frown. "A coworker did tattoo art for him?"

"Yeah, he's an artist. You didn't know that?"


"You mean to tell me," Chan starts, "you hung out with this guy for hours on end last night, and you never thought to ask about his job?"

"No, we got right into a deep conversation like greatest fears and whatnot. Was I supposed to ask about his job? I don't see how it's that important for me to know."

"It's not, but it's usually a topic starter."

"Fuck, I have to go," Seungmin stares at his watch. He takes a big bite of his sandwich before standing. "You can have that. I'll see you guys some other time."

"Don't choke, have fun. See you later," I wave, watching him scurry away. The kid always seemed like he was stressed out.

"I'm going to go get a coffee. You guys want anything?" I ask. I've been sitting here long enough; coffee was in my blood. I needed it.

"I'm good. Thanks, though," Chan smiles. I look over to Jisung. He was shaking his head, but also biting his lip. Cheesecake, it is.

I go up go the counter, ordering an iced americano with plain cheesecake. He liked plain. It was his thing. I go back to the table, setting it in front of him.


"Shut up and eat. I haven't seen you guys in weeks. Either eat or I will," I glare playfully, sipping my coffee.

He giggles. "I've missed your attitude. Thank you. Channie, you want some?"

"Ah, sure. It's good for me anyway."

These guys always make my day. I've missed them a lot.

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