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We end up in the same position as the previous night. My head on his chest and his arm around me. But his arm isn't just around me, no. It's cocked up, laying in my hair, ever so gently petting me.

I focus my eyes back on the show. We decided to start a show instead of movie. If he keeps coming over like he has been, we'll finish the first season in no time.

"Hey, have you thought about the tattoo design yet?" He starts, patting my head to get my attention.

"Oh, yeah. Chan showed me this photo of a tiger. Since I was born the year of it, I thought it would be really pretty."

He smiles, it reaching his eyes. "Anything sounds pretty if it's going on your skin."

Maybe it's just me, but that sounds weird. I can't help but blush, though. The compliment behind his words really hit a soft spot.

"Thanks," I squeak out, holding back a cheshire grin.

He hums, turning his attention back on the screen, leaving me to internally panic. How do I get revenge for this? Oh! Idea! Idea! Go!

"Where should I get it?"

"It's your choice, Min."

"Hm," I pretend to think, grasping his hand off of my head. I straighten it out, it reaching just below my hip. "Here? Or maybe here?" I pull it down just a bit farther, forcing him to sit up a bit.

"I-I um-"

"Yeah, I think that spot would be pretty."

I let his hand go, fixing myself back into my original position. His hand is stuck in the air
while his face is bright red. I'm so glad the lights are on so I can see this.

Wait, did I make him uncomfortable? Shit. Minho, why do you always do this? Apologize.

I sit up a bit, meeting his eyes. "I'm..."

Our faces are inches- no, centimeters apart. I feel his breath stop; mine does too. His eyes flicker down to my lips. Do it. Please. Do it.

"Meow." Claws on my torso make me jump. Doongie makes no effort to be nice. He comes up to me once I notice his presence, dropping all of his weight onto my shoulder.

"Baby," I whisper, slightly mad that he got in our way. "Go on. You can't be in here right now."

He meows again, annoyed that I'm pushing him away. He flicks his tail in my face before jumping off the bed, going to probably find his brothers to bother them or complain about me.

"Rude ass," I mutter, glaring at the slightly open doorway.

Changbin laughs, settling down. I lay my head on his chest. The incident that just happened is forgotten, for now. I'm sure it'll come back to my memories at some point.


"Ba, ba, baaa," I mumble to myself, playing with Changbin's fingers. His was still asleep, so his limbs were dead weight. I plan on making breakfast, but not until he wakes up to eat. "Da, da, da, da, daaa."

They're warm, his hands. He smells so good, too. I bury my face in his chest, feeling top tier comfort. I wish everyday could be like this. Watching this beautiful man rest in my bed while I get the time to soak him in and admire every detail about him.

"Having fun there, little one?"

I pick my face up, flustering at both getting caught and the nickname. I've never heard that one before. "S-sorry, you, uh, you're comfy."

"You're adorable, Lee Minho," he chuckles, rubbing his eyes. His arm is around me once again, pulling me closer. "It is comfy like this."

"Mhm," I hum, getting past the embarrassment and going right back to admiring him. His bed head is hilarious, but I love it. His hair is slightly curly, which I didn't expect.

"Don't you have work today?"

I groan at the thought. "Not until later this evening. It's Sunday, so not many people want to sign up for classes. The few that do end up asking for a later time."

"That must be nice. Getting to sleep in."

"It is sometimes, yeah. Do you want to help me make breakfast? All you have to do is sit there and look pretty."

He giggles, rubbing my back. "Sure. I have to use the bathroom first, but I'll be out there."

"Okay," I smile, forcing myself to get up. If I didn't, we would've stayed there for another few days. It's so addicting.

I trail down my hallway, the wooden floor cold on my bare feet. My cats are sleeping in their tree beds, finally getting to sleep in too since I'm not making noise early in the morning.

Soonie picks his head up, meowing softly at me. "Good morning to you too, baby." I kiss his head, scratching behind his ear. He leans into my touch, falling asleep in the warmth.

I smile softly, taking away my hand. Their food and water are empty, so I quickly fill them up before heading straight to the kitchen. Of course, I wash my hands first. While it's cooking, I'll wash up, but since Bin is in there, I can wait.

I grab out the food, only wanting a simple breakfast. A few minutes go by and Changbin is standing behind me, setting his chin on my shoulder.

"Hello," I giggle, side-eyeing him. I can't turn my head because that would be too close. It's too early to get flustered. It's already happened once.


"Can you watch this for me? I'm going to go wash up real quick."

"Oh, god," he scowls, "you're gonna leave me in charge of it?"

"Binnie, it's not that hard. I'll turn the heat down. Just make sure it doesn't go up in flames." I pat his shoulder, walking away.

Please don't burn down my apartment.

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