Phone calls

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-You and Dave looked out to the horizon. He sneaks a few glances before you stare into his scarlet eyes. You can't quite tell what he's wearing, or what you're wearing for that matter. You smile, he returns the gesture and takes a deep breath.
"John." His voice is deep, but not too deep, It has a monochrome style and a Texan twang. "John, this is a dream." You look at Dave strangely and your eyes come into full focus. You and him are flying, high above the clouds. He has some sweet pyjamas on, so do you. "John." Dave calls again. "You need to wake up now." Your head gets dizzy and the sound of your phone rings in your head.
"Wait Da--"-

You shoot up from your bed. Wide eyes and heavy breathing. You haven't woken up like that since nanna.. You place your black frames on your bridge and give your full attention to the phone that beckons. A number you've never seen is trying to contact you.

"Hello? Who is this?" There's some shouting, and you're pretty sure there's a drunk on the other side of the line.

"John? Oh thank God. I'm sorry I couldn't call sooner."

"Rose? What's going on? Is your mom fighting someone?" She sighs.

"She's arguing with Dirk, Me and David's older brother."

"What..? What are they arguing over?"

Rose pauses, and you can't make out exactly what Ms. Lalonde is saying. "It's Dave, John." Your breath hitched and your heart practically stopped. "He's in the hospital."

"What happened?!" You basically scream into the mic.

"He was.." She took her time and you could tell she was crying. "He was driving home from my house, and he.. He got into a huge accident."

Your eyes well up and your legs aren't going to hold out much longer. "What hospital? What room? Where is he?" Roses end dropped dead quiet. "Rose?"

"Sorry John, this conversation is going to get cut short.." Dirk yells more cuss words than a 16 year old should know and he slams the door. "It's St. Joseph's Hospital, it's right on S 16th street. He's in room D418." (Bet you were expecting 413 huh)

You immediately end the call and throw on a jacket and whatever shit was lying on the ground and make your way down to the study, were your father was typing away on his serious business app.

"Dad. I need you to drive me to St. Joesphs hospital." He looks at you strangely.

"Any reason son? I'll be happy to take you no matter the cause but I'd like to know."

You take your father by the shoulders and shake him in panic. "Dad. Dave is in the hospital and I need to be there. He was in an accident and I don't want to waste anymore time." He gets up and grabs his keys. Without saying anything he left the house and got into the car. You quickly follow and in due time, were on the highway.

Luckily, it was Sunday, and that meant the roads were clearer than usually since some were at church. Your dad took shortcuts and pulled off some sharp turns. He probably ran a few lights and at one point he was speeding.

"Dad? I know I said I had to be there ASAP but I don't think we need another accident!" He nods slightly.

"I'm sorry son. I just want you to be with Dave in this dark time. I might have gotten carried away. I just.." He trailed off. "I just want to give you a chance to see him." His voice was shaky and you knew what he meant. Just in case it would be the last time you would see him. He feel silent and you both sat impatient for the ride to hell to be over.

Your father pulled into the nearest parking space and you got out. Before you could even process what you were doing, you began running towards the building, it was a clear shot and there were no cars so you quickly got in and went to the front desk.

One bickering later, you grasp your pass tightly and squeeze into the available elevator. Your father had agreed to wit out in the lobby while you went to Dave. Oh god.. What if he dies? He... He can't die! He's strong. He can pull through. Oh god I don't even know what happened to him. Your thoughts trail off and a few tears escape your eyes. Please... Let Dave be alright..

Okay John. This is it. You stare blankly at the door, the plastic numbers read clearly D418. You crack the door open and a waft of hospital enters your nose. You hate this smell.

You shuffle your way towards the bed, before you gain full view of the body. "Oh... God.." Your eyes closed and your hand went to cover your mouth. There sat Dave, wired and bandaged, skin that wasn't hidden beneath something was either covered with dry blood or paler than you had ever seen. He had tubes running out of his arms and some were running in through his nose. He had more cuts than you could count. The worst part for you, was how the machines whirred in unison and the slow, gruelling beep of the heart monitor was the only assurance you had of Dave's life.

"I'm.. I'm so sorry." You choked out, falling to the ground with tears streaming down your cheeks. Your face was red and your eyes were even more so. "I'm so sorry Dave..." You held his free hand, feeling even worse as you intertwined fingers and gripped tightly. You went quiet, as if waiting for Dave wake up, and smile at you. Kiss you and tell you it would be alright. Moments pass as you sat in complete silence. Your tears had but you still felt like crying.

You fumble with your phone, calling your father. "Hey.. Dad." Your sniffle a bit and clear your throat. "I don't think I Can go to school tomorrow, not like this." He says he'll handle it, and he was going to head out. "Okay, I'll take the bus home... Yea love you too."

With that out of the way, you walk back over to Dave, and kiss him on the forehead. You then sit down in one of the numerous chairs in the room and sigh, this was going to be a long day.

{yep. This is all I can come up with after like, two weeks of break time. I'm sorry it's not very long, I was planning for it to be way longer, but I didn't want to be late so I just sorta.. Yea. Please forgive me I promise Dave gets out next chapter. Okay maybe two chapters from now idk. Also, I really appreciate all the reads and votes, comments are also amazing. We're about to hit 3K reads :D and yea... I'm sorry,}

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