The spider 8itch

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You go to school next day feeling a bit better than before, both physically and emotionally. Your cool kid tone was back, and the thoughts of love had come to pass.
"David? What are you doing?" Rose taps you on the shoulder. It's 3rd period, your free period, and your just sitting there. Under a rather large tree.
-Nothing much, you know..- She sits down, staring at you with contempt curiosity.
"I'm going to have to leave in oh say, 10 minutes. We have time to talk."
-Oh hell no. You aren't doing that therapy shit.- You hate it so much when she does this. She tries to use triple reversed psychology to back fire your first two attempts at reversing the reverse-reverse to weave her way into your thoughts. She really didn't need to go through all that trouble though, seeming as she has this.. Gift? It's not really a gift, more like something that makes you uneasy to sleep at night.
"I am simply a concerned sister." She stated, adjusting her bag. "You look rather down." She pats your back. Okay so maybe your cool kid was still recovering.
-What do I do?- You sign simply.
"It's about John, isn't it?" She smiled gently. "Dirk wanted me to give you these." She handed you your aviators, they looked as if they were brand new. "I can't tell you what exactly you should do, brother. But seeming as you have prevailed before with this situation, I think you should continue to pursue him. But for the love of God, Dave, don't just sit there all mopey. I thought you wanted to keep your cool kid persona?"
She was right, just like she always was. -I guess I say thanks now?- She smiles again before getting up.
"Thank you's aren't necessary, but I'm happy to help. I'm sorry I'm just be leaving now. I have a date with Kanaya." She turned and walked away. And you smirk, maybe queer did run in the family.
When science is over, you and John head over to the cafeteria and sit in your usual spots.
"GOD FUCKING DAMMIT." Karkat screeches, ranting on about some random shit that no one cares about. John just laughs, probably completely oblivious to the fact that someone was walking towards him.
"You're John, Right????????" She asks, placing one hand on the table. She had a smooth voice that coloured her first impression with bright blue letters saying: 8ITCH.
"Y-yea? You're." He coughs. "You're Vriska right?" She smirks.
"The one and only." You feel your hands balling up into fists as you clearly see her trying to pursue John. She had the basics down for flirting, big breasts, sexual position, smooth voice. You roll your eyes from under your shades. Sure she was pretty but damn. Little bit of an overhaul..
"How about we go out for dinner this afternoon? My treat." John was clearly blushing, and oh my god this was so hard to watch. You picked up the rest of your food and left, throwing it away before going back out on campus to the same tree.
You hated watching people flirt, probably because you were usually the one whose flirting was directed at, also because they were all girls. And to watch John get seduced by some random chick was very, as Karkat's brother would say, triggering.
You sat out there for the rest of the period, doodling in your book. You hadn't really used it for its real purpose since your only friends were actually able to read ASL. Some the pictures were Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff, but after a few minutes of trying to draw as bad as possible with your right hand, you just switched back to your left and actually drew.
At first it was your friend from Texas, Calliope, who was like your muse in the sense, but you soon found your self filling a few pages with sketches of John. Wether it was him at the piano, or just an upfront bust of him smiling. It calmed you down.
You then continued to your 7th period. Trigonometry, which was, evidently, shared with Rose.
"How did it go?" She asked, even though she seemed like she already knew the answer.
-Vriska started flirting with him.- you reply, a sad feeling still lingering. -Shes like a fucking spider, Rose. Johns in her web, and he's trapped in her strings of lovers or some shit.
"That's unfortunate." She leaned over and took your notebook, scanning over the pages. "Your drawing skills are much better than I initially thought. You draw him a lot." She handed you back your sketches and wrote in her own journal.
-God Dammit Lalonde.- sign at her as the bell rings. Off to theatre..

You pull yourself through the crowd of wavering teenagers, grabbing your bag before busting open one of the many doors leading out of hell. John saw you at one point because he was running to catch up to you.
"Hey Dave? Are you okay?" You nod, continuing forward. "Are you sure? Do you want to come over...?" you shake your head. "Is your brother home?" You shake your head again. "Where are you going then?"
You immediately stop, staring at him with a worn glare. -Go have fun on your damn date already- it was colder that you wanted it to sound but you didn't care.
He was frozen in place by this comment. You decided to just flash-step, disappearing from Johns view within seconds. Smooth move Strider. You mentally slap yourself, wishing you had just intervened during lunch.

Had a Dave really just run away because you landed a date with Vriska? You Sigh. Not knowing what the fuck was wrong with him.
Your date with Vriska was at one of those diners that looked like they were from the 50's. You had what? A solid hour before the date?
You quickly got home, took a shower and got dressed in some jeans, blue converse, and a blue hoodie with this squiggly design on it.
For the longest time you just stood there and looked at yourself in the mirror. Something seemed really off, but everything was in its place.
Contact, yep. Clothes? Duh.
You were able to shake the feeling off, just in time to go meet with Vriska.
Since you didn't have a car, you just walked. It was a short distance away so you really didn't mind, though your mind was still tugging to go talk with Dave. To go make sure he was okay.
"Joooooooohn!" You heard Vriska call out to you. She was wearing a black shirt and a grey jacket, jeans, and bright scarlet converse.
"Hey Vriska, ready to go in?" She didn't give you a response, She just took you by the arm and dragged you in.
You both sat down in a booth, near the back and she began to babble on.
Turns out she liked to LARP. She was apparently a very high level Pirate or something. She also liked the number 8 for some odd reason.
After she gives you a brief history of herself, she asks you about what you liked to do.
"I uh, I play clarinet and piano.. I like to play video games. I love Nic Cage movies.." You tried not to stutter.
"Oh my god I loooooooove Nic Cage!" She squeals, immediately going off about some of her favourite scenes from Con Air.
"I loved that scene too!" You practically fanboy when she mentions the scene where Nic gave dear, sweet Casey her rabbit. You both recited the lines laughing.
You were having a lot of fun, and it seemed like Vriska was too.
"Wait a minute." Vriska mumbles, the diner was almost completely deserted next to a few people who were murmuring. "I didn't know What's New Pussy Cat was this long."
"It isn't" you start. "I think someone played it over again." She just rolls her eyes, realising that you hadn't ordered yet.
After you both order, You and her pick up on conversation again, but it soon fades after the 6th running of What's New Pussy Cat ends.
"Holy shit. This is the 7th time." You blurt out, In an annoyed tone.
Vriska just plays it off, and asks the waiter for a refill.
You decide to scan the room, seeing if anyone else noticed the rerunning. Some people definitely looked like they were going insane, some looked like nothing was happening, and there was this guy in the very back who looked like a homeless schizophrenic clown who was happily humming along to the tune.
Then you spot Dave, who was on the opposite side of the diner, trying to contain his soundless laughter.
"God dammit Strider." You murmur, watching him as the 7th running faded out.
It's not unusual begins, and a sound of relief filled the air.
"I'm sorry Vriksa, will you give me a moment?" She nods, taking a bite out of her steak.
You walk over to Dave, and he suddenly looks like he needs to puke.
-Hey man. Didn't know this is were you and Vris were meeting up.- his hands are slightly shaking. You look over his shoulder, noticing his notebook out. You feel your face heat up as you look over the multiple drawings of yourself.
"Did you draw those..?" You ask quietly, hoping that he'd play it off and say it was for irony.
-well uh. Yea. You caught me.- He nervously signs, quickly taking the book, stuffing it into his bag.
You, feeling your chest constrict, turn and walk away with any words to say in the matter. You said goodbye to Vriska, and made you way outside.
"Wait! John!" She called out, catching up to you. "Look, I had a good time.. I was wonder since the Winter Dance is next week.." She went quiet.
"I'd love to go with you if that's what you want!" You reply. She looks up, her emerald eyes meeting with your blue.
"Thank you, John." She pulls you into a kiss, and you, feeling awestruck at the moment, kiss back.
That's when Dave ran out, and saw you snog Vriska.

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