In which the dork's dad is embarrassing

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{Okay so, the video attached must be played l8er on when designated please.}

Your name is Dave Strider and you just found out the only kid who knows ASL in your new school is actually your best friend you've known for 7 years. How this slipped your mind was really the mystery here, but it was kinda cool you guess.

You were now waiting for your best bro, John Egderp, to open the damn door to his house. Who knew that something like meeting your best friend IRL would make you drop your keys twice.

Anyways. When he finally got the door open, you were immediately on the couch, sprawled out like the Strider you are.

"Your just gonna lie there." He asked. Now that he mentioned it, you want to meet John's dad, and investigate the waft of Betty Crocker coming from the kitchen.

"DAD!" He yells, you hear footsteps and some fumbling around.

You then, are met with the face of John's dad, Mr. Egbert. "Who's this?" He was shooting you a hard stone glare as you awkwardly smile.

"This is Dave, He's a new kid at my school. His brother's out of the house and he doesn't have keys, so he asked if he could come over." John's voice was kinda shaky.

Mr. Egbert holds out his hand, and you shake it with a firm grip. He still glares at you.

-Good afternoon Mr. Egbert.- You nervously sign, hoping John's dad was just as enthusiastic about ASL as John.

"Are you mute?" He suddenly asks, very interested. Your taken aback from his response but nod. "What type?" John's dad is seriously nosy.

-Physical Selective, Sir- You added the sir because damn, He was intimidating.

John's dad only chuckles, "Mr. E is fine.." he paused. "what is your name young man?"

-Dave Strider-

He nods, as if in approval. "Nice choice." he whispers to John.

"WHA- DAD!" John then begins screaming 'no homo' in the direction of the kitchen, and you can hear some laughing from the other room.

-Your dad's pretty cool, egderp.- You sign. He just glares from behind his square glasses.

Your name is John Egbert, and gog is your Dad embarrassing. You aren't a homo! You are perfectly strait. Straighter than a board.

Dave seems to enjoy your misfortune, and you have to apologize to him for your dad's nosiness. He signed that it was fine, even though it still really seemed rude.

So, instead of letting him try his dad's cake, you just drag him up to your room.

-Holy shit man.- he silently chuckled, staring at all of your amazing movie posters. -This is how I imagined it. Shitty movie posters everywhere.- You protest and say that Con-Air is a work of art, and that Little Monsters was great, but he kept making fun of you, well, your room.

"Anyways." You sigh, "what do you want to do?"

He looks up, -I dunno, what do you usually do?- You smirk.

"I do nerdy things. here I'll show you." You ask him to follow you down to the study, and there lies your beautiful piano.

-wow you play piano? and I thought you couldn't get any nerdier.- he snickers and you sit down.

"Okay but just listen."

{John: Play Haunting Showtime Piano Refrain.}

{Readers: Play the Video, be awesome.}

Your name is Dave Strider, and you are listening to your best friend play one of the most beautiful things you've ever heard. This is just one out of the many things that amazes you about John. You have to admit to yourself, He's a big Dork, but hes also a little adorable kitten. You're only going to admit this once, but John Egbert is fucking cute as hell, and no one can deny it.

The way he grins with his buck-teeth, how he laughs, the way he reacts to different things. He was just so damn cute. Like you said, this is the only time you'll be admitting that.

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