Hey Cool Kid

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Your name is John Egbert, and you just started your freshman year at High School, which sucks more than TG's Raps.

You wouldn't really consider school a bad thing, You basically got A's and B's and you were usually pretty good at anything they lobbed at you, except punches. You really couldn't handle the other kids who picked on you.

It was probably because of your overbite, and your shitty movies (which aren't shitty they are great.) Also Probably because you were easy prey, no friends, no older siblings, no defense..

Well, when you say you don't have friends, that isn't true. You've got Rose, who's very smart but damn, she tries so hard to weave her way into your skull, you know shes just trying to be a good friend is all.

There's also TG, your Best-Internet-Bro, who lets be honest here, is a snarky cool-kid poser who can't rap for shit. He's still pretty funny, and he's been your friend since you got Pesterchum, which was way back in 3rd grade.

Speaking of pesterchum, You decide to slip you phone out and see whose on...And would you speak of the Devil..

-ectoBiologist began pestering turntechGodhead at 10:17-

EB: Hey TG :B

TG: sup man

EB: I dunno, sitting in math class acting like I'm listening to the teacher.

TG: wow, bros making me pack everything right now

EB: Why would that be :?

TG: oh my gog don't start with the GC faces

TG: like what even is that face

TG: how would you even make a face like that

TG: be like, in the middle of class and the teacher says some shit and all of a sudden

TG: :?

TG: how the hell does that work man

EB: Uh.. So why are you packing?

TG: oh

TG: well

TG: me being me i forgot to put my shit together and throw it in the truck

TG: were moving and lets be honest here

TG: im packing last minute

EB: Oh haha! :B

EB: Oh.. The teacher called me out, I can pester you later then..

-ectoBiologist ceased pestering turntechGodhead at 10:19-

"Mr. Egbert, what were you doing on your phone?" Mrs. Weider glared at me from the front of the class. "would you like to answer this problem?"

Oh great. Mrs. Weider was tapping her foot with her arms crossed. The board was really blurry.. "87?" you hope you didn't just royally fuck yourself over.

"Correct." she hissed. "What were you doing?" you stare at the ground, you shoes were now very important.

"I was texting my friend.." You murmur. You hear some giggling as she shakes her head in disappointment.

"Strike one Mr. Egbert." You sigh, atleast you didn't get detention..

As you sit back down, Jack leans over, "Was it your Boyfriend Egbert?" His friend laughed a little as he acted like a flushed school girl. "Oohh Mr. Egbert!"

You really wished that this was the last day of school, but Gog dammit it was only the beginning.

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