Chapter 31

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3 days passed, Jungkook said he would come back tomorrow, Taehyung always asked him, he really missed Jungkook.

"Papa, can you call Uncle Bunny right now? I want to talk to uncle bunny, I miss him, why hasn't he come back yet?" Taehyung climbed into Jin's bed and hugged him while laying his head on Jin's chest.

"Uncle bunny said he will be home tomorrow, do you want to call him?"

"Yes papa, please" Jin took the phone and called Jungkook, it was already 9 pm, Jungkook should have finished work.


"Hey, am I bothering you?"

"No baby, what's wrong? why haven't you gone to sleep yet?"

"Tae misses you and he wants me to call you, he wants to talk to you"

"Where is he?"

"Here" Jin handed the phone to Taehyung.

"Uncle bunny"

"Hey baby bear, did you miss me?"

"Yeah, when are you coming back?"

"Tomorrow I will come back, wait for me ok"

"Okay, can you bring me some banana milk? I don't know why my banana milk runs out so quickly, even though I remember the last time I drank there was still a lot left, please uncle bunny" Jungkook chuckled when he heard his son's complaint.

"Yes, of course I'll bring it, I won't let a single night go without banana milk, go to sleep it's late, tomorrow you have school right?"

"Thank you uncle bunny, okay I'm going to sleep, I love you"

"I love you too baby bear" Taehyung kissed Jin's cheek before returning to his room and giving Jin the phone.


"Jin, did you drink Tae's banana milk?"

"Uhmm, I really wanted that banana milk, I didn't realize I finished a bottle"

"What? Jin before I left the bottle was full"

"I know, I-"

"Looks like I have to buy that banana milk factory for us." Jin laughed.

"Come back Jungkook, I miss you so much, wearing your clothes makes me miss you even more, I wake up at night and see an empty bed"

"Why do you wake up at night?"

"I want to go to the bathroom"

"You have to be careful"

"So hurry back, I want you here, beside me"

"I'll be right there, under your blanket and pull your pants down and--"

"Stop it, you pervert, I want to sleep, call me tomorrow, I love you so much"

"I love you more Jin"

Jin hung up the phone and lay back on the bed, he rubbed the mattress where Jungkook used to lie with a smile.

"I miss you Jungkook" Jin mumbled and tears fell from his eyes.

He felt very afraid of losing Jungkook at that time, it was the first time Jungkook left him, being away from Jungkook is not something he likes, even he hates it. It was very disturbing, he became uncomfortable doing anything, had trouble sleeping, didn't like eating, because his mind was filled with Jungkook.

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