Chapter 9

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Short Chapter!

Taehyung woke up and came out of his room with his messy hair while rubbing his eyes with his two tiny hands. He looked at the dining table and smiled.

He saw Jin and Jungkook asleep at the dinner table with their hands intertwined. Not only one can of beer was there but there were several.

Taehyung went back into his room and climbed into bed and covered himself with a blanket before going back to sleep with a smile on his face.

Jungkook woke up first, he found his neck hurting because of his bad sleeping position, he opened his eyes slowly and lifted his body to sit well until he realized something, he saw his hands and Jin's intertwined. He doesn't remember what happened last night and why it ended up like this, but he just smiled and soon Jin woke up, he also felt pain all over his body and when he sat well in his chair, he saw the same thing, then looked at Jungkook in front of him and immediately took his hand away from Jungkook.

"I'm sorry.."

"For what? I don't even remember why we held hands while sleeping." Jin was silent, he was very nervous at that time, he also didn't know how their hands ended like that.

Jungkook helped Jin make breakfast, he made pancakes together, but this time Jungkook won't throw the bowl because he was in a good mood that morning.

When Jungkook poured flour into the bowl he accidentally spilled it on the floor and they both had a reflex to clean it up, but when they squatted down and lowered their heads together, their heads hit each other instead.

Make them look at each other and laugh. Jungkook poked the flour in his hand into Jin's nose and laughed again.

"Jungkook!!" Jin stood up and wanted to poked back but Jungkook held Jin's hand and pushed his body against the counter. Made Jin very nervous at that time. His cheeks turned pink, Jungkook couldn't stop admiring Jin's face, he was so close to Jin, there was almost no distance between them.


"You're so beautiful Jin" Jin just smiled when Jungkook complimented him. Jungkook brought his face closer to Jin's, Jin also started to close his eyes in preparation for his favorite touch, but just as their lips were about to touch, Tae's voice stopped them again.

"Uncle bunny, what did you do to my papa?" Jin immediately pushed Jungkook's body away and approached his son who was standing in front of the bedroom door.

"Hey baby bear, you're already woke up, look, there's flour in my nose, uncle bunny wants to help me clean it"

"But papa can clean it himself right?"

"Ah yeah-"

"Tae, how about you help us make pancakes?" Jungkook said

"Can I do it papa?"

"Yeah sure baby"

"Yayyy, can I put a lot of honey on it?"

"Suree, come here" Jungkook said and Taehyung ran to Jungkook, he gave a chair for Tae to climb up and helped him knead the pancake batter.

Jungkook and Jin couldn't stop staring at each other while smiling. This Christmas, Jungkook is not alone anymore.

December 25th
Hey guys, how about this chapter? can wait to see your reaction about this story 💖

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