Chapter 32

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The next day after dropping Taehyung off at school, Jin returned to the apartment because Namjoon and Hoseok were coming to visit.

Jungkook had also contacted him and said he would be home this afternoon and he might arrive in the evening.

Jin continues to wear Jungkook's clothes on his body, it makes him safe and comfortable. At least there's the smell of Jungkook with him.

The bell rang and Jin immediately opened the door, Namjoon and Hoseok came in with smiles on their faces, Jin invited them to come in and give them a drink.

"Has Tae gone to school?"

"Yeah, I just came back from school"

"Jin you have to be careful, remember you are pregnant, you can't be tired" Hoseok said while stroking Jin's back.

"Yeah, Jungkook always reminds me of that"

"You guys look like real family, I'm glad to see you two" Namjoon said.

"I'm also very happy Namjoon, I didn't think my life story would be like this, I thought I would take care of Taehyung alone until the end of my life, but God said otherwise, he sent a kind angel for me"

"He loves you so much Jin, I can feel his sincerity, he puts you and Taehyung above everything and I rarely meet people like that, I know why he did that because he once gave his whole heart to someone and he was let down, that's why he didn't want to waste you, he will take good care of you and I'm sure he won't let you down."

"Namjoon, I'm very sensitive right now, can you please don't talk about it now?" Jin wiped his tears.

"I'm sorry, then when is he coming back?"

"He said he would be home this afternoon and would probably arrived in the evening"

It didn't feel like time had passed quickly, Namjoon went to pick up Taehyung at school.



"Don't you guys want to get married? I mean, you've been through a lot of obstacles in your relationship and I don't see anything wrong with either of you, getting married can bring you closer."

"I know, but I'm afraid, I'm so afraid of losing him, I even have trouble sleeping just because he's gone for 3 days and I can't imagine how my life would be without him, if I married him wouldn't the pain get bigger?"

"Jin, we never know who will go first, what about him? what if he wants to be able to take care of you for the rest of your life? what if he wants to spend a lot of time together as your husband? I'm sure there are many different things you will feel if you marry him, we can't live forever in this world Jin, but death is not the end of everything, if you love him you must be prepared to lose him because love and pain are two things that can't be separated , although I'm sure no one wants that, but it's a sure thing"

"I love him Hoseok, you must know that, I have never been like this to anyone, my life was ruined when Ken raped me and I hate touch, I closed my heart tightly because I don't believe in love, I feel I can live alone, until I met Jungkook and he scared me to live alone."

"I know Jin, I still remember the dark times, but that's the past, now you are with the right person, who will not let you go back to that time again, give him a chance to be a father to Taehyung and your baby"

Namjoon is back with Taehyung and he immediately runs to Hoseok and hugs him.

"I miss you uncle Hoseok"

"I miss you too Tae"

"Tae, let's go to your room and clean yourself first okay?"

"Okay papa" Taehyung kissed Jin's cheek and they entered the room.

Not long after that the phone rang, it was from Jin's phone which was lying on the living room table.

"Jin, Jungkook called you" Namjoon shouted from the living room.

"Please just pick up the phone, tell him I'm cleaning Tae"

Jin helps Tae undress to change clothes, until Namjoon opens Tae's room with a panicked face.


"What?" Jin approached Namjoon who was standing in front of his bedroom door.

"Namjoon, what's wrong? what happened to Jungkook? why are you silent?"

"Jin, Jungkook..."

"Namjoon don't joking, what's wrong with Jungkook?"

"Jungkook got an accident" The clothes immediately fell to the floor and his eyes were covered with tears. His legs felt weak to support his body. He couldn't believe what he heard. His heart ached so much. He hoped it was just a joke Jungkook made. Because he hoped it was all a lie.

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