Chapter Fifteen

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"Shake on It"
Chapter 15

Luz and Amity were walking into Hexside, both students nervous to see Willow and Gus. They hadn't talked to either of them since yesterday, which seemed much farther behind them than it was. While Luz resented her now-ex friends, mainly Willow, for acting how she had, Luz also felt like it brought her and Amity closer.

As they arrived at the gates, Luz stood back. "I'll wait a few minutes, so no one realizes we came together." She smiled sadly.

Amity stopped and waved, she began walking away, taking a few steps before she turned around and came back. Amity quickly grabbed Luz's hand in her own and pulled her inside, looking forward as they walked through the halls hand in hand.

"What are you doing?" Luz muttered, watching people glare at them, whispering who-knows-what.

"Walking with my friend." Amity calming said back. "It doesn't matter what rumors they make up. After dealing with Willow yesterday, and dealing with Boscha for years, I just want to be me." She looked confident, a proud smile on her face, but her voice betrayed her, cracking and squeaking as she saw people staring.

Luz squeezed her hand, giving a reassuring smile as they walked to their lockers.

"I'll see you in Math." Luz smiled, giving Amity one last wave goodbye as they split from their lockers, walking in different directions.

Entering the classroom, Luz took her seat beside Gus, skeptically looking over at him. He looked over at Luz, his face a mix of hurt and betrayal. Luz scowled at him, turning to face the board as the teacher began talking. Luz wasn't paying attention to Mr. Jackson as he spoke, the noise in the classroom whirled into one droning sound that Luz tuned out. Her attention came back to the moment as Mr. Jackson cleared his throat, about to make an announcement.

"Listen closely class, final exams are next Monday. You will be tested on Math, History, Science, and English. Your final score will be the average grade. I hope you all do well."

The bell rang loudly as Luz started to panic. "I swear we did our semester exams last week. Is it time already?" Luz mindlessly grabbed her books and went to the Math room, her anxiety eased as she saw Amity waiting for her.

Luz sat down beside her, a smile making its way into her face. "Are we studying for finals together?" She asked.

Amity smiled back, silently nodding as the teacher called attention to the front of the room, starting class. This class seemed better to Luz, she happily jotted down notes, using her free time to (not very subtly) glance at Amity. Eventually, Amity caught on, meeting Luz's gaze with a wave and a smug grin when she looked over.

The bell eventually rang and Luz and Amity made their way to their lockers, piling books in as they talked. "To the cafeteria!" Luz declared, pointing forward. "That's the wrong way." Amity muttered, pulling Luz the right way.

"Is this exam going to be like the last one?" Luz asked as they walked the mostly empty halls.

"What do you mean? I don't want to get you kicked out now, if that's what you're asking." Amity laughed, thinking back on the events from a mere month ago.

"Well that's good at least." Luz said back, thinking for a moment. "You want t-"

"You want to bet on it?" Amity cut Luz off before she could finish.

"I was so ready to say it."

"Okay fine, you say it."

"Amity Blight, do you want to bet on our final exams?"


"Why so enthusiastic?" Luz laughed, thinking of potential terms.

"It's exciting." Amity said back, nudging Luz.

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