Chapter Three

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"Shake On It"
Chapter 3

Throwing open the cafeteria doors, Luz was met with the drowning noise of conversation. Adjusting to the immense volume, she continued walking, heading to the counter to grab a food tray.

"Nice! Chicken nuggets!" Luz celebrated the school choosing to serve such delicious food. "Now, to find table seven." She mumbled, scanning the crowded tables for her friends. Finally spotting them near the corner, she ran – or rather speedwalked, afraid to drop her tray – to the pair.

"Oh hey!" Gus greeted, seeing Luz approach.

"Hi Luz!" Willow turned around to face her friend, patting the spot next to her. Luz sat down and dug into her food, talking with her friends between bites.

"Oh you guys wanna hear something really annoying?" Luz asked, ready to recall her problems with Minty Fresh.

"Have you gotten into trouble already?" Willow laughed.

"No-" Luz assured "There's this really annoying girl who's locker is next to mine, she's in my math class too. I knocked her over this morning, and she's hated me since!" Luz recalled the rest of the details, her friends quietly listening as she told her story.

"So did you get her name?" Gus chimed in from across the table.

"Yeah, but I forgot it." Luz said, rubbing the back of her neck.

"Well, what does she look like?" Willow questioned

"Oh I haven't told them about me calling her Minty Fresh" Luz thought "or how she distinctly smells like mint, or how cute- off track Luz" She scolded herself.

"She's got green hair, and golden eyes, and is pretty stuck up." Luz explained, trying to think of any other details.

Gus and Willow exchanged worried glances before Gus piped up. "You mean Amity Blight?" He asked.

"Oh yeah! That was her name!" Luz exclaimed, unsure why her friends seemed so distraught.

"Luz you should stay away from her." Willow warned, her voice no longer the cheery one Luz had heard this morning, now it was low and serious. Glancing over at Gus for answers, Luz saw concern plastered over his features, his previously glowing smile, faded.

"Why?" Luz asked, afraid of the answer she'd get.

"Her parents fund the school. If she doesn't like you, you're out of here. She gets to do what she wants, when she wants." Willow stated, her gaze falling towards the ground.

"She can get away with anything, even murder!" Gus exaggerated, or at least, Luz hoped he was.

"Maybe you can request a locker change." Gus followed up, hopeful that his new friend would heed their warnings.

"No. I think I'll stay where I am." Luz replied sternly. She wasn't about to let Minty Fresh scare her into doing anything; leaving the school, or even moving lockers. If she did, it would be because she wanted to, that was the type of person Luz was.

"Luz-" Before Willow could continue, a loud and commanding voice cut her off, earning the attention of the surrounding tables.

"Heyyyyy Losersssss" The voice rang out, Luz wanted to punch the person who had said that, their voice was far too annoying for any sane person to be around. Whipping around Luz saw a pink haired girl standing behind her.

"Well that explains why it was so loud" Luz thought to herself, still trying to figure out what the girl wanted.

"What do you want, Boscha?" Willow questioned. narrowing her eyes at – what Luz believed to be – the very annoying bully.

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